
Aug 162016

You all know how hard I work to maintain the current politically correct viewpoints, to not express any thoughts that might be considered undesirable. To forever maintain the image of someone who is thrilled, just thrilled, with the state of modern culture.  But every now and then events occur that make it just a little bit challenging to maintain the facade.

This is Milwaukee, currently beset with riots ostensibly because a black cop shot a black criminal who was brandishing a stolen firearm.


Here’s a good NSFW commentary from the inimitable Chris Ray Gun:

And this one, pointing out how CNN used editing to turn commentary by the initial criminals sister from one advocating burning down the suburbs to a message of peace:


I do believe we have a problem in society.

 Posted by at 10:41 am
Aug 162016

Here is Part Five of the story of Sarah, Zane, Loff and George transporting a shipload of rich folk to Gimli, a place where regular folk just don’t get to go. This, at long last, is the conclusion to the story (it’s been done for a couple months, but I’ve been a bit busy of late).

If you want to catch up in advance, Part One is available HERE, Part Two is available HERE, Part Three is available HERE, Part Four is HERE, and the previous story, “Mass Disappearance,” is available HERE. A couple story fragments starring this crew are available HERE and HERE.

If you like it, feel free to tell your friends, family, co-workers, random strangers, whoever. Like it, hate it or meh it, I’m interested in your thoughts via comments. In particular: do you read it in EPUB pr PDF??

“Going to Gimli Part 5,” PDF version

“Going to Gimli Part 5,” EPUB version


Also available is “Going to Gimli” in a complete edition. As a bonus, this version includes not only the worst cover art you’ve seen outside of… well, a whole lot of other self-published books, but also a technical diagram and a portion of the Zaneverse “bible” that describes the basics of artificial intelligences. Finally understand what the terminology means! This complete edition is available with the EPUB and 74-page PDF versions bundled together.
Download “Going to Gimli” for $3.


And as always…


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 Posted by at 9:37 am
Aug 152016

I saw this image a little while ago, a severe simplification of the Gadsden Flag, and found it modestly amusing:


For no good reason I went seeking a higher-rez of that. I didn’t find one… largely because I found *another* such image that I like way, way more. I laughed so hard I scared my cats. Due to the use of a spiffy Anglo-Saxon sentence enhancer, it’s posted it just beyond the break. I *really* want this on a flag. hell, I want it on the side of my own personal Orion battleship.

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 12:32 pm
Aug 122016

Because why not, I saw Sausage Party today. It was loaded to the gills with profanity (honestly I doubt I’ve ever experienced that many F-bombs in a movie before). It was filled with racial stereotypes (a Woody-Allenish Jewish bagel and an angry Arab… something, I don’t know what it was, but it had a great big hooked nose; Salma Hayek plays a Hispanic lesbian taco; Chinese food with the requisite accent; “illegal” Spanish food; etc.). It was filled with scenes of violence, death and drug use. And sex. Lots of sex. Lots of offensive, disturbing sex between food products.

And I haven’t laughed that much in a *long* time. In fact, the whole theater laughed their butts off.

There’s not a whole lot to say about the plot or character development; it’s just the most bizarro F-ed up thing I’ve seen in a good long while. Has some interesting things to say about blind faith (the anthropomorphized food items in the grocery store are convinced that the humans who come in and select them are “gods” taking them to paradise; a wee bit of distress arises when they discover that they are actually being massacred).

I noted when the movie started that this is a Sony movie… like Ghostbusters. I don’t imagine that Sausage Party will wind up making all that much money; it’s just too bizarre, offensive and R-rated. But: according to IMDB, the budget for Sausage Party was a measly $19 million, about 13% of Ghostbusters $144 million. I would be willing to bet that Sausage Party will end up making far more of a profit for Sony than Ghostbusters.

 Posted by at 8:00 pm