
Sep 142016

“Kulning” is a form of high-pitched singing used in Scandinavia as a way to herd cattle. The tones are such that it echoes off the mountains and propagates well across great distances. And I freakin’ defy you to claim that you’d rather listen to Kanye West or whoever is popular these days than this:

 Posted by at 2:35 am
Sep 122016

Why did Hillary hug a child while suffering from pneumonia? Candidate embraced young girl despite having a contagious illness

Pneumonia is a hell of a disease… and arrogance is a hell of a drug. After lying to the public for several days about Hillary’s health, with coughing fits and fainting spells being laid at the feet of allergies and heat, the Hillary campaign has finally admitted that she has pneumonia. it’s unclear *why* they felt the need to lie about this; there is no particular stigma attached to pneumonia. It’s not an STD, for instance.

But what *is* morally bad about pneumonia is when you go out amongst the public while you know you have it. Good job, dumbass, you’re spreading a contagious, deadly disease.

After her little stumble, she was rushed away… not to a hospital, but to her daughters apartment. About 90 minutes later she emerged, apparently looking fantastically better. Now, I’ve had “walking pneumonia” and numerous bouts of bronchitis. You know what made me go from stumbling down ill to “I feel great” in 90 minutes? Not a damned thing. The best meds and oxygen bumped me up to “well, I don’t feel like immediate death anymore.” So I’m left to wonder what miracle of modern chemistry there might be that will perk a sick person right up. Something that, I dunno, could tweak you right up to the semblance of health with all due speed.

If the Hillary campaign was smart, they’d try to use the illness as an excuse to explain what *should* be a near-ruinous fiasco: Hillary’s insulting of  a good portion of the electorate.

“To just be grossly generalistic you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

I’m no politician, but even *I* know that you don’t win votes by trashing the *voters.* Go ahead and talk smack about your opponent; in Trumps case, you can say nasty things about him from now till election day and never say the same thing twice. The man’s a clownish buffoon, an idiotarian leftist pretending to be a right winger. But insulting those who support him? Not cool. Especially since a lot of the people who support Trump don’t really seem to know much about him beyond “he’s not Hillary.”

There is a good side to this story, though: she said this to a group of big-money donors. Donors who now know that when she was trying to squeeze dollars from them, she was squeezing pathogens from her lungs out at them.

Didn’t take long for Trump’s people to jump on that:

There is another upside to Hillary’s “basket of deplorables:” If you do a Google Image Search on that phrase, what’s the first thing that pops up? A whole lot of merchandise (T-shirts, specifically). No matter how socialist the candidate, capitalism will always be there ready to mock them and make a buck.

Now, to Hillarys claim: are there a lot of scumbags supporting Trump? I suppose so. But Hilalry’s side of the political aisle has so overused terms like “racist” and “sexist” and all the rest that they have lost their meaning.  *Anyone* can incur the wrath of the fascistic power-mad control freak SJW’s, through a slip of the tongue, a lame joke, or even nothing at all. And so… a *large* majority of the country can be easily lumped in with the “sexists” and “Islamophobes” and such. Hillary is claiming that the majority of the public, by the weak and overused definitions her side is so fond of, is “deplorable” and should not be listened to, should not be heard, should not be a part of public discourse. Given that a *lot* of Trumps popularity comes from his stance against political correctness (just about the only position he’s expressed that I agree whole-heartedly with), Hillary has just made his point for him.


 Posted by at 10:57 pm
Sep 122016

Jeff Bezos of Blue Origin has described a new rocket his company is working on , the “New Glenn.” It’s kinda big:


The “New Glenn” will be 27 feet in diameter (close to the Shuttle External Tank, it seems), 270 feet tall in a two-stage configuration and 313 feet tall in a three stage configuration. The first stage is recoverable, landing vertically under rocket power. It will have seven BE-4 engines burning natural gas and oxygen, producing 3.85 million pounds of thrust. The second stage uses a single BE-4 engine with an increased expansion ratio. The third stage uses a LOX/LH2 BE-3 engine.

The article says that Bezos has claimed that the rocket will fly “within the decade.” If that means by the end of 2019, that’s pretty ambitious.

 Posted by at 10:00 pm
Sep 112016

This was pointed out to me by a blog reader wondering if this might explain recent anomalies at the NASA Technical Report Server… maybe NASA might be thinking of replacing it. To me this new site seems like a much narrower archive than NTRS, but who knows. If there’s anything at NTRS you want, it might be advisable to download it ASAP.


NASA is using PMC to permanently preserve and provide easy public access to the peer-reviewed papers resulting from NASA-funded research. Beginning with research funded in 2016, all NASA-funded authors and co-authors (both civil servant and non-civil servant) will be required to deposit copies of their peer-reviewed scientific publications and associated data into NASA’s publication repository called NASA PubSpace.  This EXCLUDES patents, publications that contain material governed by personal privacy, export control, proprietary restrictions, or national security law or regulations. NASA PubSpace is part of PubMed Central (PMC) which is managed by the NIH. 

You can now search NASA related articles archived in PMC at NASA PubSpace. PubSpace will be fully functional Fall of 2016. 

The PubSpace archive/report server is HERE. A preliminary search on the most basic terms that anyone in their right mind would go looking for – “nuclear rocket,” “hypersonic,” “reusable launch,” “manned Mars” – all came up “no items found.” This means either that the site isn’t fully functional yet, or that it promises to be a barren source of entertainment.

 Posted by at 3:43 pm
Sep 102016

Here’s a definitely academic exercise. Assume for the sake of argument that the Earth is doomed and for humanity to survive we have to go elsewhere. And let’s say that while NASA is working on getting to Mars and beyond, the Stargate program has found a portal to another Earth. It’s just like this one… but no humans. Maybe it’s a parallel reality. Perhaps it’s time travel to a few tens of thousands of years ago during a similar interglacial but before humans had spilled out all over everywhere.

Let’s further stipulate that while the portal is fixed on this end – stuck in a facility under Cheyenne Mountain, of course – the other end can be moved to any position and orientation desired on the other Earth. The portal is big enough to drive semi trucks through carrying standard shipping containers. No goofy effects when going through… it’s an uneventful doorway.

Further: there is only a limited time to transfer stuff and people through. Maybe days, maybe weeks. Perhaps they know exactly how long they have (incoming comet, say), or they’re uncertain (the sun going goofy), but in either event it’ll be a short duration. Enough presumably to transfer one medium sized town… ten thousand people or so and a whole bunch of stuff.

So my pointless question: if you can transfer one single colony to a pristine Earth, *where* on that Earth would you put it? You know where all the iron ore is, all the oil, gold, uranium, titanium, everything. But even though you know the whole planet, you’ll be pretty restricted once you’re set up. You’ll need to set up someplace where all the resources are in easy reach, where the weather is good and the growing seasons are long. Where game and fish are plentiful and the fields will be good to crops. Where diseases don’t naturally jump up and bite you. Someplace far from volcanoes, hurricanes and major earthquakes.

It will also need to be a place where easy expansion will be possible. Thus Hawaii is out.

Everyplace I can think of is bad for one reason or another. California and Greece? Earthquakes. Western Europe? Lack of readily accessible oil in large quantities. East coast of the US? Hurricanes. Anywhere near the equator? Stupid hot and diseases. Temperate South America and Southern Africa?  Relatively difficult to get to the more expansive temperate northern hemisphere. Antactica? All the friggen’ shoggoths. New Zealand, coastal Australia, Tasmania, Britain, Japan? Relatively small, difficult to get elsewhere. Scandinavia? Short growing seasons.  Central Asia? Lack of access to oceans, which might or might not be a problem. Coastal China? Earthquakes, maybe?

One advantage is that you can bring with you whatever crops you want. So if you set up someplace where taters and corn are unknown, you can start growing it. It might be wise for one of the first things you do is to fly a Piper Cub around the vicinity out to a hundred or more miles scattering seeds as you go… it would suck if you set up shop and a year later you lose the entire crop of potatoes to some blight, and you’re ten thousand miles away from the nearest naturally occurring potato.


This is not for some sci-fi scribbling project of mine, just a thought I’ve been pondering for a while. Despite the earthquake problems, I have the feeling the region of Greece might be a good choice.

The flora and fauna would be much the same as what we’re used to, but with some obvious differences due to a lack of domestication. No dogs. Cats will shred you. Cattle will run your ass over. If it’s time travel, mammoth might be a thing, horses might be the size of large dogs. The oceans will be full of life… not fished and whaled to depletion. Crops like wheat and corn and bananas will be almost unrecognizable.

 Posted by at 9:52 pm