
Sep 192016

Computer Specialist Who Deleted Clinton Emails May Have Asked Reddit for Tips

Hello all- I may be facing a very interesting situation where I need to strip out a VIP’s (VERY VIP) email address from a bunch of archived email that I have both in a live Exchange mailbox, as well as a PST file. Basically, they don’t want the VIP’s email address exposed to anyone, and want to be able to either strip out or replace the email address in the to/from fields in all of the emails we want to send out.

Hmmm. No confirmation that this is the guy, but if so…

 Posted by at 8:42 pm
Sep 182016

Some photos and panoramas I’ve recently taken. With the arrival of actual weather (something beyond “hot and sunny”), summer has finally started to give way to fall.


More after the break.

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 1:21 am
Sep 182016

Story one: terrorist bombs in New York City.

New York explosion leaves dozens injured

One bomb went off in a dumpster. Another one was found unexploded. It’s a pressure-cooker bomb, perhaps similar to the Boston Bombing bombs.

Story two:

Philadelphia gunman left rambling letter, police commissioner says

The shooter shot a whole bunch of people, killing one. Seems in his rambling letter he expressed his hatred of the police. Hmmm. I wonder if there are any current political movements whose anti-police rhetoric these last few years might have inspired this guy.


 Posted by at 12:50 am
Sep 172016



The engineering of this attempt was clearly better than Evel Kneivels shot 40 years ago… but the *psychology* of it doesn’t seem to be there. I was just a youngun when Evel made his attempt, but I remember it being Big News, while this one was nearly stealthy by comparison. And the choice of putting the viewing area where the spectators would be looking STRAIGHT AT THE SUN? Lame. There also doesn’t seem to have been an accurate countdown… a lot of the videos make it look like the people were a little surprised at just when the thing launched.

 Posted by at 10:29 pm
Sep 172016

Behold the crap-tastic dubbing in these trailers for “Guardians,” a forthcoming Russian superhero movie. As best as I can tell, the idea is that the Soviet Union created a small number of superheroes, folded, and now, decades later, supervillains are attacking Moscow and those superheroes need to come back to save the day. Given that the USSR fell a quarter century ago, I guess the heroes were just kids. Kids who grew up with terrible narration and even worse dubbing. But from the looks of the visuals, the film makers seems to have been on their game.

Now, the question is: if people are supposed to accept that super-powered metahumans produced by the Kremlin make for heroes, how about metahumans produced by Nazi Germany? North Koreas Captain Juche? Hamas Man? The mind boggles at the possibilities of “superheroes” produced by, for or in horrible regimes. How many of them would be accepted by the moviegoing public?

Let’s say the standard Magical Meteorite fell into Richmond, Virginia, in 1847, was picked up by a local plantation owner and its emanations turned his infant son into The Overseer, a Superman-like character dedicated to Truth, Justice and Maintaining The Peculiar Institution. During the War of Southern Aggression, The Overseer was just coming of age and was about to turn the tide when Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, used his arcane knowledge  obtained from a deep reading of the Necronomicon to put The Overseer into suspended animation in a mirror-lined chamber deep under the Smithsonian. But now the Earth is under attack by Big Headed Yakub, and the US government needs to bring The Overseer out of the shadows to save us all…

Yeah. That’d go over well.

 Posted by at 11:06 am
Sep 162016

The past week or more, Raedthinn has been acting a little “off.” Picky with his food, verbally  complaining much, sleeping in seclusion. A few days ago I finally noticed something wrong with his top left fang. For lack of a better description, it appeared to have Fang Cancer. So yesterday he went to the vet who declared “really bad tooth decay.” Today I picked him up, sans one fang. So after having lost a fang and a half last year, and one more today, he’s now down  to a fang and a half.

This displeases him.


 Posted by at 10:23 pm