
Sep 282016

‘Th’ sound to vanish from English language by 2066 because of multiculturalism, say linguists 

That there is a primo example of a headline that’s not very accurate. The article specifically discusses the English spoken in London, England. The native English are apparently being replaced by non-natives, with the result that:

Already Estuary English – a hybrid of Cockney and received pronunciation (RP) which is prevalent in the South East – is being replaced by Multicultural London English (MLE) which is heavily influenced by Caribbean, West African and Asian Communities.

The conclusion being drawn is that the English language of London will become a dumbed-down, linguistically simplified gibberish with fewer consonants because the speakers won’t be able to distinguish between ’em. I gather that it will sound like a combination of “ghetto” and the “chav/yob/pikey/whatever-the-hell-they’re-called” indecipherable mush that you can hear in the movies “Attack the Block ” and “Harry Brown.”

Interestingly, we’re living in a time when English *should* be able to remain stable. Centuries ago it’d change because, well, languages drift. But we now have more than a century of audio recording s of *proper* English, widespread literacy and ready access to decent educations. But it seems that English is mutating faster than ever. Some of it is good and natural… the more words for the more concepts, the better. As James Nicoll pointed out:

The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and riffle their pockets for new vocabulary.

But dumbing it down? I believe George Orwell wrote a book a little while back about efforts to dumb down English into “Newspeak.” If you limit a persons ability to communicate, you limit their ability to conceptualize. You limit their horizons.

And people said I was mad when I decided to base the late 21st century of Earth in my Zaneverse stories on a combination of “Idiocracy” and “Elysium.”

 Posted by at 10:58 pm
Sep 282016

I’ve paid little attention to that NFL player Colin Whatshisname who refused to stand during the national anthem Because Reasons. Because… who cares? Some guy I’ve never heard of who’s getting paid buckets of money to play a game I’m uninterested in, decides to disrespect the US. Well… there are more important things to pay any sort of attention to. The NFL should just fire him for  bringing shame to their organization, and then move on with life.

A similar but somewhat more important incident has hit the news:

Navy launches investigation into sailor who didn’t stand for National Anthem

The motive for this intelligence specialist in the Navy Reserve seems to be much the same… the fraudulent narrative about systemic racism:

“I feel like a hypocrite singing about the ‘land of the free’ when I know that only applies to some Americans,” she wrote. “I will gladly stand again, when ALL AMERICANS are afforded the same freedom.”

As the article point out:

Troops who don’t stand for the National Anthem could face prosecution under the Navy’s Uniform Code of Military Justice for violating Article 92, which says that troops can be punished for failing to obey a lawful general order.

It seems to me that there are two conclusions here:

  1. The military has a problem of indeterminate size of having servicemen (women, whatever) who are anti-American. It is difficult to imagine a *good* reason why someone who despises the US would join the military, but there are numerous *bad* reasons why someone might do so. Acquiring knowledge and skills to be used against the US, or for criminal, gang or otherwise nefarious purposes, has been a common occurrence.
  2. Clearly a court martial is called for. Seems to me that the best approach is to try her and, if found guilty (and since she’s admitted it, it seems a slam-dunk), to drum her out of the service with a dishonorable discharge. I would argue against prison time, since her actions were, after all, in and of themselves minor and harmless. But the attitude behind them would seem to argue for one additional little thing: the DoD should tell every organization or company that does business with the US Federal Government that they will lose their contracts if they hire her.


 Posted by at 9:53 pm
Sep 272016

Some images copied out of the presentations today. It clearly has some heritage back to the Delta Clipper, at least in inspiration. I’m unconvinced, though, that this is a completely serious engineering concept. At the very least it seems to be jazzed up for some wow-factor; that huge window, for example, is a structural nightmare and the passenger compartment seems to be one breachable pressurized volume. Blow out one window and the whole thing will depressurize.

Still, it’s good to see big-thinkin’. But I really wish they would have somehow vetted some of the questioners after Elon’s presentation… about a third of ’em were either idiots or just there to flack some product or other.

2016-09-27-203311 2016-09-27-202604 2016-09-27-203642 spacex-interplanetary-07 spacex-interplanetary-05

 Posted by at 8:13 pm
Sep 272016

Yeah, we’ve all seen videos of ICBM launches. But how many videos have you seen of the *other* end of the flight, with the RV’s smacking into the target zone? This video documents a launch of a Minuteman III from Vandenberg AFB in California to the impact of the three warheads (w/o nukes) in Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands.

It’s just plain impressive to see those RVs come screaming in, glowing so hot that they light up the clouds.

 Posted by at 2:49 pm
Sep 272016

Out today is a kinda spendy but awesome-looking two-volume set of Ralph McQuarrie’s artwork for the Star Wars franchise. Something like 2,000 illustrations are included. From the glimpse at the art you can see here, it looks like a heck of a thing. The list price is $250, but Amazon has it for $182 currently. It’s a “limited edition,” which may or may not mean that a cheaper paperback version might be released at some point. But I wouldn’t bet on it.



 Posted by at 2:23 pm
Sep 272016

Elon Musk is scheduled to present his plan on getting humans to Mars and beyond at 2:30 Eastern (12:30 Mountain). The Youtube link below should carry it live, or be available afterwards.


SpaceX has also released a “teaser” video showing the system in action:

The booster is 12 meters in diameter, the spacecraft is 17 meters in diameter and the complete stack is 122 meters tall. This is bigger than the Saturn V. Liftoff thrust is 28,730,000 pounds.

The animation is pretty spiffy, but I can’t help but think that the mission depicted is… ummm… a little simplified.

 Posted by at 12:19 pm
Sep 272016

Well, that was fun. After leaving a comment on a post on this blog, I noticed that there was a notification alert on the little dashboard… one of the plugins (W3 Total Cache) needed to be updated. Updating a plugin is typically a matter of hitting one button, waiting tens seconds, then moving on with life. This time? It killed the blog. So I’ve spent about the last hour on the phone with tech support getting it back up and running.




And so, unrelated image:


 Posted by at 1:55 am
Sep 262016

For those interested: still fighting the effects of whatever it was that hit me a week ago. Allergies transitioning into a cold or flu, it seems. So far no bronchitis, though it’s been not too far from that at times. Sunday I slept for about 18 hours… though not all at once but in five or six chunks. The time not spent asleep is spent working, either on the Paying Project, or on getting the next APR Patreon reward set ready or scanning the NAA Archive. Not a whole lot of time for bitchin’ and bloggin’. I’ve got Ye Olde DVR set up to record the Douche/Turd Sandwich Debate tonight, though I’m not sure I’ll be able to get through the whole thing. I can imagine it in my head, and I shut that show off after about 15 seconds.

 Posted by at 5:42 pm
Sep 242016

Taken at face value, these stories are stupid. But: the apologists for one religion in the world today have proven adept at convincing masses of non-thinkers that any criticism of the religion (it’s history, tenets, beliefs or current practices) is “racism.” Well… if that’s acceptable for *one* religion, it’s acceptable for *all* religions. Don’t like my carrying a sword, spear, pistol or shotgun wherever I choose to travel? Not only are you trampling my religious rights… YOU’RE A RACIST. If this catches on, this could end up being endlessly entertaining.

Rep. Dave Brat: Removing Mandatory Bible Readings from Public Schools is “Institutional Racism”

Italian School’s Headmaster Cancels Traditional Catholic Mass; Politician Calls It “Reverse Racism”

 Posted by at 11:28 pm