
Oct 082016

St. Louis NAACP says girl, 13, accused of shooting couple at beauty supply store is ‘not a monster’

She tried to murder two people for hair extensions.

From HERE:

The store owner said her mother turned to run and was shot in the back. When the shop owner’s father went to help his wife, the girl shot him in the abdomen.

The girl then held the couple at gunpoint and demanded they help her open the cash register, the shop owner said, but they couldn’t get up. The girl eventually opened the cash register by throwing it on the floor. Along with the cash, she stole hair extensions.


It’s bad enough that there are monsters like this in the world. What’s worse: that there are so many people who leap to their defense and provide excuses for them, hoping that they will avoid appropriate repercussions for their actions.

 Posted by at 1:02 am
Oct 072016

I’m old enough to remember the time I thought “Yay! The threat of global thermonuclear war is over!”


Russia moving nuclear-capable missiles into Kaliningrad, says Estonia


Russia tells citizens ‘nuclear war with the West could happen soon’


Russia Adds Hundreds of Warheads Under Nuclear Treaty


Army Warns that Future War with Russia or China Would Be ‘Extremely Lethal and Fast’

Gosh, I guess it’s a good thing that in the coming years the US will be helmed by strong, wise leadership…

 Posted by at 11:23 pm
Oct 072016

I knew the man was a vulgarian, but jeez. Does anybody *really* think he’s even remotely Presidential?

The options suck. Trump is clearly not good leader material. He’s narcissistic to a historic degree, his relationship with honesty is tenuous at best, he’s nowhere near the businessman he claims (neither from a financial performance standpoint, where he would have done better by simply dumping his initial millions into the market, nor from a what-he-claims-to-be standpoint, where he’s just a promoter, not a “builder”), he’s a scumbag, he’s historically been a supporter and funder of leftist causes, he’s waaaaaaaay more fond of Vladimir Putin than is seemly, he’s a braggart and a blowhard, and he just doesn’t seem that damn smart. And now he’s on tape expressing views that are low, even by his previous standards. Republican politicians who had previously endorsed him are bailing. I see no way possible for the man to win… his chances were dubious before, but now… what woman would vote for him?

And of course, the other option is the wholly unsupportable Hillary Clinton. Before, it was “yeah, Trump sucks but I guess I’ll hold my nose and vote for him because bad as he is he’s better than Hillary,” but now he has demonstrated not only Lyndon Baines Johnson-level standards but the bad judgement that puts him on the same low, low, LOW level as Hillary.

Well… poop.

So, now what? Can the Republicans ditch Trump and replace him with someone better? Obviously they can, but is it too late to get the new guy on the ballot? The obvious choice is Pence, since he’s right there. Maybe Romney. At this stage I doubt that if Abe Lincoln came back to life even he couldn’t get elected as a republican at this stage, given the damage Trump has done to he brand. But having a quality candidate, or at least an inoffensive one, might bring out enough Republican voters to at least minimize the damage in House and Senate races.


 Posted by at 9:25 pm
Oct 072016

A piece of NASA art illustrating a lunar-bound craft equipped with three relatively small nuclear thermal rockets. The payload is a lunar lander, similar in appearance to the “First Lunar Outpost” landers of the early 1990s, dating the art. To my eye this looks a bit dubious from the standpoint of nuking the crew… the reactors aren’t that far from them, what with the rather short hydrogen tank. *Perhaps* this was intended to be sent to lunar orbit unmanned, there to be met by a crew sent via chemical rockets. For lunar missions the utility of nuclear rockets would not be in getting payloads to the destination sooner; three days just isn’t that long, really. The advantage would be in sending *massive* payloads. So a small manned capsule sent chemically and a big heavily loaded lander sent via nukes might well make considerable sense.


 Posted by at 4:15 pm
Oct 072016

Clowns have always been damn creepy. Not sure why… perhaps it begins with the enforced cheerfulness, and proceeds outwards from there. But recently clowns have become the latest “moral panic,” soon to rival the “Satanic panic” of the 1980’s. Sightings of creepy clowns – both real and hoaxed – have popped up all over. And the press these “creepy sightings” have received have made copycats inevitable. It’s happening in Utah:

Utah teens find clown pranks come with serious consequences

Where a couple of 14 year old dumbasses showed up to a football game wearing clown masks… and promptly got a beatdown from the other kids who weren’t playin’ dat. An unrelated 14-year-old created an Instagram account, using a creepy clown to issue death threats. And:

Clown hysteria in Utah turns criminal with attacks, vandalism

In which a school was tagged with clown-based vandalism, leading to a few dozen students deciding they were too freaked out to stay in school.

Some of the early “creepy clown” pranks seem to have been effectively planned and carried out efforts to create “urban legend” levels of rumor and chatter. But now lazy schmucks are using clown masks to try to scare random folks… with variable results:

Report: Maine woman pulls out her gun on threatening clown

Where a schmoe in the rear seat of a SUV pulled up in front of a house and tried to spook the woman sitting on her porch.

She said she laughed at first saying “I’m not afraid of clowns,” until the clown made a gun shape with his fingers and said “bang.”

“I picked up my 9 mm — I didn’t point it at him directly,” the woman told the Sun Journal, “and said, ‘Back at ya, clown.’”

Hokey makeup and latex masks are no match for a good nine millimeter at your side, clown.

 Posted by at 3:17 pm
Oct 062016


Matthew Blows, Part 2

The writer believes that the VAB will be stripped to the skeleton. SpaceX has three landed Falcon 9 boosters in a horizontal integration hangar at launch complex 39A; if the building is damaged, it’s a safe bet that these boosters will be trashed. The United Launch Alliance towers at pads 37 and 40 are at risk. The Rocket Garden is exceedingly vulnerable. The Visitor Center could be damaged.

This could see the effective end of much of the US space program, at least for several years. Worst comes to pass, the only good access the US will have to the ISS will be the Orbital Sciences launch facility at Wallops.  Unless permission is granted for overland flights from Vandenberg – very unlikely, but with the Falcon 9’s ability to boost back, just maybe – getting to a low inclination orbit will be *real* challenging. If the VAB is trashed, especially if it’s truly destroyed, the SLS will look even sillier than it does now.

This all depends on the track and power of the storm. It could divert away from the Cape. But then, it’s thought it’ll turn into a Category 5 by the time it gets there.

Sure would be nice if, 24 hours from now, NASA is still a functional organization.


A rare bit of good news. Instead of climbing from Cat 4 to Cat 5, it decreased to Cat 3, and the eyewall missed the Cape. Damage to KSC is reportedly quite minimal.

Now that KSC has dodged that bullet, it’s time to make sure that this sort of apocalyptic disaster *doesn’t* befall the US space program. Suggestions:

Beef up the KSC infrastructure. Rebuild and reinforce the structures that are already there; build up the barrier islands and seawalls to minimize the damage from storm surges.

Build all-new launch facilities elsewhere. Expand Wallops to make it capable of launching Delta IV/Atlas V/Falcon 9 Heavy. Build launch sites in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Guantanamo Bay (use that one for Orion launches).

 Posted by at 11:11 pm
Oct 062016

So, all manner of disasters are approaching. Super-mega-AlGore hurricanes are gonna wash NASA into the Gulf of Mexico. The San Andreas is going to flip western California on a parabolic arc with an apogee of 600 nautical miles, landing it somewhere near Kwajalein. Either a lying horrible New York liberal scumbag or a horrifying scumbag liberal liar from New York is going to be President soon. And now…

Fireball streaks over East Coast, with sightings from Canada to D.C. region

Sightings included a sonic boom, so it was a reasonably substantial bit of something.

 Posted by at 10:35 pm
Oct 062016

Now this is interesting…

Hurricane Matthew Is a Nightmare Scenario for Kennedy Space Center

With such highlights as:

When Category 2 Hurricane Frances made landfall roughly 100 miles south of Kennedy in 2004, tropical storm-force winds lashed Space Coast, ripping more than a thousand panels off the Vehicle Assembly Building and resulting in 100 million worth of damage.


The storm is projected to pass perilously close to Florida’s entire eastern seaboard beginning later today, with a Category 3 or 4 eye passing directly over Kennedy Space Center on Friday…


Kennedy’s Orbiter Processing Facilities are rated to withstand sustained winds of 105 mph. The Vehicle Assembly Building and launchpads hold together up until about 115 mph, while newer buildings constructed after Hurricane Andrew in 1992 are designed to weather 130 mph winds.


If the storm does hit at high tide, the NHC warns of surges as high as 9 feet from central Florida all the way up into southern Georgia. Most of Kennedy’s infrastructure sits between five and ten feet above sea level.


So, let’s say Canaveral gets well and truly trashed. Winds rip the buildings apart, a storm surge sloshes over the facilities and washes ’em out to sea. What to do?

This would argue for some diversity in not only launch vehicles, but launch sites and launch *modes.* I’m not a terribly big fan of air-launched systems like Pegasus or Stratolaunch, but the availability of such systems would allow for the important bits to be locate much further inland. You could in principle base such a system in, say, Utah and fly down to the Gulf for an easterly launch. Systems that launch from the decks of ships would be less sensitive to this, as they could steam out ahead of the storms. Systems that launch from the surface of the ocean itself would also be insensitive to storms.

One of the potential problems with systems like these is that they tend to be smaller. An aircraft could maybe carry a Falcon 9, but good luck horsing a Falcon 9 Heavy into the sky. Or launching one from a ship smaller than a supertanker. Launching directly from the ocean made sense for vehicles as vast as the Sea Dragon, but it gets less sensible as the vehicle gets smaller. And I’m uncertain how well this would work out for a thin-walled eggshell design like the SpaceX Mars booster.

There is another solution: launch from inland. Works well for the Russians; having booster stages crash down into Kazakhstan apparently doesn’t cause trouble for anyone who matters. This would be trickier in he CONUS, though. However, there is already a solution to this problem, detailed on this very blog nearly 8 years ago: buy a strip of northern Mexico. The original idea was to turn that strip into a new nation, Neuvo Israel. But turning it into a Federal reserve would work too. Make it a wildlife refuge, off limits to settlements and urban developments; but a dandy place to locate the launch and impact sites, along with a few dozen terawatt-class breeder and thorium salt reactors.

 Posted by at 4:47 pm
Oct 062016

In July, the team from Rick & Morty released a black-and-white animatic of a court scene. The thing was, the court scene, voiced by the guy who actually does the voices of Rick & Morty, was based on the transcripts of an actual event on an Georgia court. And it’s pretty nuts. The animatic was freakin’ hilarious, just as it was, but in the months since a YouTuber took the animatic and did an *excellent* job of animating it in full cartoon color.

Not only was it colorized and animated, additional animations were added, including background characters. Props for the Futurama characters!


Here’s the original B&W animatic:

 Posted by at 4:10 pm
Oct 062016

I randomly stumbled across this today.

Some time back I had a brief flash of an idea for a sci-fi story I’ll never write, partially because it seems entirely too derivative of “Sliders.” In short, some people are hopping either timelines or alternate realities, trying to find their way home. Finally they get home. They check the local history books, newspapers, CNN, internet… everything confirms they’ve made it back to the right timeline. Finally, after they’ve settled back in, one of them is at a comic book shop or a coffee shop or something and overhears some Trekkies discussing what their favorite episode is… and someone mentions the episode from season six when Captain Kirk and Lieutenant Rand finally get married. The character realizes that this is a different timeline, one where the original Star Trek series didn’t get cancelled at three seasons, but lasted at least twice as long. Character shrugs, goes back to drinking his coffee, surfs over to Amazon and buys the complete eleven-season Blu Ray set of Star Trek.

 Posted by at 2:15 pm