
Feb 132017

The goofy idea to convert a B-21 into Air Force One? Yeah, shockingly, it didn’t originate with anyone who actually matters, but rather with a consulting firm acting on their own initiative.

A Bargain for President Trump’s Air Force One

Wright Williams & Kelly, Inc.’s (WWK) aerospace and defense team took up President Trump’s challenge and confirmed that the price of Air Force One Program can come WAY DOWN!

The mark of a truly serious proposal is phraseology such as “WAY DOWN!”

But hey, if you want to read more about it, they are ready to sell you a copy of their report.

What bugs me is that Aviation Week ran this as meaningful news. Meh.

 Posted by at 6:13 pm
Feb 132017

Newcomer centre has no more room for border-crossing refugees

It seems a lot of asylum seekers are flooding into Canada… from the US. The article is incredibly vague about who these asylum seekers are. They don’t seem to be the likes of Hollywood celebrities who promised to leave the US if Trump won. Heck, they don’t even seem to be US citizens.

Given all the platitudes we keep hearing about how great it is to import masses of immigrants from very alien cultures, Canada should be thrilled to death for this to happen.

 Posted by at 4:16 pm
Feb 132017

One of President Giant Middle Finger’s campaign promises was to fix up Americas rather decrepit physical infrastructure. If there were any doubts that things are troubled, the dam in Oroville, California, seems to be working overtime to dispel them.

Oroville Dam Spillway Failure: Nearly 190,000 Ordered to Evacuate

This is especially depressing when one considers the tens of trillions that have been squandered over the decades on useless and downright counter-productive social welfare programs. Imagine what we could have done if, say, half of the Medicare expenses had instead been spent on infrastructure. And the space program, so long as I’m dreaming.

This is a dam in California. One wonders if it would be currently having these problems if California and San Francisco and the like had spent there money not on making bums comfortable, but instead putting them to work. A few thousand drugged-up homeless equipped with shovels and notified that “you want lunch, you do work” could have moved a whole lot of earth over the last few decades.

 Posted by at 3:52 pm
Feb 122017

Has China beaten Nasa in building warp-drive technology dubbed the ‘impossible engine’?


OK, the basic claim seems to be that China has built an “EM engine.” Fine, whatever. But the article goes off the rails in a hurry. Firstly, there’s the title of the article: the Em engine is *not*  a warp drive. Then the article claims that an EM engine could send a ship to Mars in a matter of weeks. Ummm… no. The tests that have been done have shown that if there is any net thrust at all (and there’s every reason to suspect that this is actually a matter of experimental error), the levels of thrust are *exceedingly* low. Instead of shoving a ship to Mars in a matter of weeks, a few weeks at full thrust will *maybe* rack up a few meter per second of delta V.

Fake space news, baby.

 Posted by at 6:30 pm
Feb 122017 ran a photoshop contest… take a photo and photoshop it to be funny. The photo this time came from NASA… and it’s just kinda begging to be photoshopped.

Photoshop this exciting NASA wind tunnel project

Here’s the original unretouched image. I assume the pink color is due to special paint, presumably pressure-sensitive paint that changes color.

Insert lame low-brow innuendo-laden joke HERE.


 Posted by at 5:52 pm
Feb 112017

Played by Mel Gibson in “We Were Soldiers.”

Lt. Gen. Hal Moore dies at 94

I have a tenuous connection here. The movie depicts one hell of a battle between US Army forces and NVA forces in the Ia Drang Valley in November 1965. The NVA had been dug in to that valley for a long while, with considerable stores of supplies and troops underground in tunnels. The NVA *owned* that valley. And several days before the battle, my fathers platoon just… wandered right on through the valley. Never saw the enemy, never engaged them, never had any indication they were there. But most assuredly, the NVA was aware of the small group of American GIs. But they let them pass unmolested; presumably in order to keep their presence secret. Had a slightly different course of events happened, Mel Gibson wouldn’t have been in that movie and you wouldn’t be reading this blog.

 Posted by at 9:53 pm
Feb 112017

Apparently the makers of Star Trek: Discovery think that Klingons look like this:


Star Trek: Discovery is supposed to be set about ten years before Kirk took command of the Enterprise, in the “original” timeline. And it has been established that in that timeline, and at that point in time, due to the “Augment” virus introduced in season four of “Enterprise,” the Klingons look like the swarthy humans of the original series. So WTF is going on here? Are we going to get some explanation that these are mutant Klingons who reacted weirdly to the virus? Early experiments in fixing the virus? or is this just the usual “I know TV producers… they love to change things?”

 Posted by at 9:14 pm
Feb 102017

NASA has just released a report on a Europa lander mission. I haven’t read all the way through it (in fact, I’ve just glanced through it), but it seems fairly extensive. The lander design itself seems pretty preliminary. It also looks like a walking “rover,” but the legs are just long in order to allow the lander to safely come to rest on whatever terrain it happens to land on.

The lander would have instruments meant to look for the signs of life. Pretty obviously, the chances of life appearing *anywhere* near the surface of Europa are as close to zero as you can get. However, assuming that many, many kilometers below there is a liquid water ocean, and assuming that there is recognizable life swimming or floating around in the water, chances are fairly good that bits of it, everything from biochemicals on up to actual critters, would get trapped in the ice. Over extremely long periods of time the cold, icy equivalent of geological processes might drag that stuff up to the surface, where it might be detectable.

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You can download the report here:

Europa Lander Science Definition Team Report

Some of the illustrations:

Europa Lander Image1 Europa Lander Image2 Europa Lander Image3 Europa Lander Image4 Europa Lander Image5 Europa Lander Image6


 Posted by at 7:54 pm
Feb 102017

Tucked behind the Aviation Week paywall are the details on what seems to be a proposal for the next Air Force One to be a modified B-21 stealth bomber. The idea is, on one hand, terribly cool… but on the rational hand, makes approximately no sense. I would normally suggest that this is an April Fools thing, but unless I slipped into a coma for a number of weeks, we don;t seem to be anywhere near April first.

Presidential Bomber? Report Touts B-21 For Air Force One

No details – like who actually wrote the report – are available on this side of the paywall. But hey, at least there’s some Shotophopped art…

 Posted by at 7:18 pm