
May 172017

My first novel, as yet untitled, currently clocks in at 106,000 words and it’s not quite done yet. At about 300 words per page, this works out to 353 pages. When done I expect it’ll be around 400 pages. But then it’ll probably need a whole lot of editing.

Whether it’ll get published, I can’t say. But I do think it’s actually pretty good. The first quarter or so of it is a slightly reworked “Going to Gimli,” and many of the questions raised in that story (like “what the frak is the deal with Earth” and “who/what are the Segregators”) are answered by the end. It’s not Important Literary Literature, but I think it’s actually pretty entertaining and reasonably clever.

If interested, see my first story “Mass Disappearance,” followed by “Going to Gimli,” and then two story fragments, “Launch” and “A Matter of Some Gravity.”

 Posted by at 11:27 pm
May 172017

There have been a lot of Star Trek model kits over the years, enough so that it seems like a producer would have to have something pretty unique to make their mark on the market. It seems that some years ago a project was started in Japan to market a truly unique model of the Enterprise-D. What the “Build The Enterprise” entailed was a “subscription” system where once  a week or so the subscribers would receive a magazine with Technical Manual-type stuff and parts to continue the build. In this case, the build was a 1/900 scale cutaway model of the Enterprise, with each deck represented by a sheet of laser-etched plexiglass. “Build TheEnterprise” was aimed at and released solely in the Japanese market.

As anyone who has been reading this blog long enough knows, I’m intimately familiar with the concept of “boy howdy, this project I’ve embarked on is certainly cool and I have high hopes for it” transmogrifying into “well, that didn’t sell worth a damn.” Heck, that’s pretty much *every* project I’ve initiated (anybody want to prove me wrong and turn American Nuclear Explosive Devices into something so popular that I’ll get off my ass and finally finish issue#2?) Of course, I’m just one goober with no marketing department, no marketing *budget*, no interpersonal skills and more stubbornness than sense. So you’d expect that professionals, with access to the experts (in this case, the likes of Mike Okuda and Rick Sternbach and others who, if you know anything at all about Star Trek ship design and model making, are well-known names) and who have had considerable success in the past, would have another success with a project like this.


They had the bad luck of starting up right after the tsunami and Fukushima reactor meltdown. As a result the Japanese model building market wasn’t in the mood and the project failed. One hundred issues were projected… only four were actually released. One would hope that a project like this would be recoverable in some form… a Kickstarter or some such. Because from all appearances it was a heck of a thing. But it seems that it has been simply abandoned by those in power.



So, let that be a lesson to you: do your market research first, and think twice before doing your initial release just before a major earthquake right next to a nuclear reactor that has been hobbled by red tape and anti-nuclear activists. And you can add the failure of this innovative cutaway model to the list of things the anti-nuke Luddites have inflicted on mankind by making sure that old reactors can’t be replaced with new ones.


 Posted by at 2:03 pm
May 162017

We all know – because some people just won’t shut the hell up about it – that there is a “wage gap” between men and women. Those who are honest about the topic know that a large fraction of the gap comes down to the fact that there are a lot more men in the STEM fields, which tend to pay better. So, how to close the gap? Hire more womenfolk, obviously. But how does a woman get hired as, say, an engineer, a technician, a mechanic, a scientist? Forget all that “schooling and hard work” crap, there’s a better solution! Coming soon to a university curriculum near you, no doubt…

Here’s What It’s Like To Be A Queer, Polyamorous Kink Witch

Meet a woman who ties herself up and casts spells to find empowerment.

Well, hell, and here I thought “empowerment” came from learning all you could, making yourself invaluable and doing a good job. Apparently, though, it actually involves ropes.


Hey, weird chick, you be you. If this sort of thing is fun and entertaining for you, then, whoopee, I guess. Fine, great, whatever. But when this sort of thing is touted as real and anything remotely resembling rational or aspirational, as opposed to being a cautionary tale of “this is what happens when someone is unsullied by reason or skepticism,” it’s hardly a wonder that far too many people avoid good and useful paths in life – the kind that aid society and pay well, but require that you work hard and honestly – in favor of buying into magic.


When I say “magic” I don’t mean I’m turning something into something else — magic is working with energy. You can’t create something that isn’t there. You’re using energy and you’re manipulating energy with intention, so I’m working with the energy of my own self-love and manipulating that and working with that in a positive way and setting intentions for myself.


There’s a new use of words like “energy” and “intention” that I really don’t think apply to anything in the real world.

Or as Fark called it:

“Here’s What It’s Like To Be A Queer, Polyamorous Kink Witch.” Translation: PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEEE

 Posted by at 11:42 pm
May 162017

Further continuing the panoramic documentation of the recent trip:

The “cutaway F-86.” Granted, all they did was simply remove the skin from an F-86, but it sure looks like a whole lot of extra work. That, I assume, is the modelmaker in me talking.

Another view of the YF-12.

XF-92, X-3, Goblin and XB-70:

XB-70 looming over lifting bodies

“Columbine” Presidential Conny. Shiny!

 Posted by at 7:49 am
May 152017


Ex-intelligence leaders: ‘Nightmare’ if Trump leaked to Russia

Reportedly, Trump just handed over secret info to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and ambassador Sergey Kislyak about how the US found out about ISIS threats. Supposedly, this throws some allies and their intelligence gathering under the bus.

Sheesh, Don. Not very good business practices. Hillary, at least, would have known to *sell* that information.

 Posted by at 8:41 pm
May 152017

Star Trek: Discovery has done just about everything imaginable to make itself seem unappealing and to shed my interest in the show. However… Good News, Everyone: there seems to be another contender in the wings for a decent Star Trek show, coming soonish to Fox: The Orville. This time, rather than being official Star Trek that makes a hash of Star Trek, this is an unabashed parody of Star Trek. And it looks really, really good.

Took me a sec, but the actress on the far left in the bridge shot above? She played Cassidy Yates, Cryin’ Ben Sisko’s main squeeze on Deep Space Nine.

 Posted by at 6:30 pm
May 152017

The video title says “autistic,” but it’s really just “social justice warrior.” The two should not be confused like this, as there are substantial differences. For example:

  • It’s not unethical to be autistic.
  • If you happen to be autistic you can’t choose to not be.
  • Autism does often convey other benefits… many times autistic people provide valuable contributions to society.
  • Autistic people are often worthy of love and respect.

So… behold the modern campus (Western Washington University, apparently) leftist when they see an opinion they disagree with. If you are in an office setting… hell, crank it up. Let everyone enjoy this.

 Posted by at 9:04 am
May 142017

If anyone thought there was a chance in hell of a peaceful solution to the Arab/Israeli problem… this bit of news should dispel that notion:

Convicted murderer of six Israelis elected as Palestinian mayor of Hebron

The guy killed six people, and managed to get released in a prisoner exchange. There are two “ponderables” that spring immediately to mind:

  1. What does this say about the mindset of the people who voted for him?
  2. What does this say about the wisdom of releasing terrorists in prisoner exchanges without first injecting them with AIDS, mercury, lead? Is it possible to create a small capsule that can be injected or swallowed that will sit there inert for, say, a year or two and then break open and infect the guy with rabies?
 Posted by at 7:13 pm