
May 212017

My previous post posited that people could be denied service by businesses based on their politics, and that their politics could be sussed out via a Google search. Welp, turns out there’s another approach:

Trump Supporters Have Built A Document With The Addresses And Phone Numbers Of Thousands Of Anti-Trump Activists

This sort of thing will turn out fine. Juuuuuust fine.

In this case, the list seems to be of not just run-of-the-mill left wingers, but of the more active activist types, including the out-and-out violent fascist nutjobs.

Privacy is a thing of the past. A lot of people, such as myself, are open about their politics; I know it has cost me some, but… meh. Other people are less public about just how political they are, such as the folks who think that they need to protest while wearing masks.They will be a bit surprised when they find out that thanks to the surveillance society and lots of bored trolls and assorted troublemakers on the other side of the political spectrum, they are not as anonymous as they think they are.

 Posted by at 9:05 pm
May 212017

Virginia Gym Cancels Richard Spencer’s Membership After Woman Confronts Him for Being a Neo-Nazi

Is Richard Spencer a Neo-Nazi? Pretty much, yeah. Was he misbehaving or violating the gyms rules? Nope. Does this set up an interesting precedent? If it stands up in court, you damn betcha.

Anyone supporting Socialism, Communism or other associated collectivist policies? No hamburgers or car servicing for you, Comrade! Anyone supporting Black Lives Matter, Antifa, ANSWER or any of the other racist, fascist organizations that have been popular these last few years? Out the door with you! Do you want that Christian bake shop to bake a cake for your gay wedding? Better hope they don’t do a google search and find out you supported Hillary or Obama! They might not be able to refuse to serve you based on who you are, but now they can based on what you believe.

I don’t see how this sort of this could *possibly* go wrong. Everything is fine.

 Posted by at 2:06 pm
May 212017

Humans have been successfully minting coins for around 3,000 years. It’s not exactly a mystifying dark art.

Scores of defective Rio Olympic medals fall apart

The article is a little lean on details, but it seems that a bunch of Rio medals (6 or 7 percent, mainly silver medals) are having trouble with their “coverings” and are “flaking apart.”  This is pretty vague, but what it sounds like to me is that the medals were actually made out of some base metal and then plated in silver. Lame.

I honestly don’t have a good explanation why for something like the Friggen’ Olympics the silver medals would be made out of anything but pure silver. It’s not like silver is *that* expensive.

 Posted by at 11:57 am
May 202017

Two US Aerospace Projects issues. Cover art was provided by Rob Parthoens,

US Bomber Projects #19

US Bomber Projects #19 is now available (see HERE for the entire series). Issue #19 includes:

  • Early Atlas Concept: Parallel Staged Missile: three-bodied concept leadign to the Atls ICBM
  • Lockheed L-286-665: A supersonic nuclear powered design
  • Consolidated XA-44 Model 112: a three-engined forward-swept jet
  • Convair Pilotless Airplane I-40: a TV & radar guided missile
  • Martin Model 151-J: A late pre-war design
  • Boeing Model 464-79-0: a long-span B-52 with floating wingtips
  • Lockheed-Martin VS-07: A recent stealthy variable geometry concept
  • Boeing Model 724-15: Boeings first giant competitor for the B-70


USBP #19 can be downloaded as a PDF file for only $4:


US Fighter Projects #02 is now available (see HERE for the entire series). Issue #02 includes:

  • Bell Rocket Fighter: A design similar to the X-1
  • North American RD-1381-B: A two-stage VTO design
  • Boeing Model 457: A rocket boosted ramjet fighter with two stages
  • Truax Rocket Fighter: A VTO ship-launched interceptor
  • Northrop XP-79: A flying wing with a prone pilot
  • Lockheed CL-362-1: A late 1950’s spaceplane-like hypersonic concept
  • SAINT II: the Satellite Interceptor lifting body
  • Bell D-35: a tailless delta-like design


USFP #02 can be downloaded as a PDF file for only $4:



 Posted by at 10:59 pm
May 202017

‘Clock boy’ Ahmed Mohamed will file new lawsuit after judge dismisses claims against Irving ISD, city

For those who don’t recall… Clochmed was the kid who took the electrical bits out of a commercial digital plug-in-the-wall clock and re-installed them within a nicely conductive metal case (an off the shelf pencil box, now equipped with  wall plug and exposed wiring). When he was arrested for bringing a “hoax bomb” to school (note: not for bringing a bomb… nobody on scene thought it was actually a bomb, they just assumed that it was something meant to *look* like a bomb in order to scare people), his family was able to parlay that into lots of swag, visits to the President, ill-advised compliments from people who should have known better about what a brilliant “inventor” the kid was (remember: he didn’t build the clock… he just took it out of a plastic housing and put it in a metal one), and a chance to play lawsuit lotto with the town of Irving, Texas. The family, after complaining about Clochmeds human rights being violated, pulled up stakes and moved to Qatar where their human rights are certain to be safe.

If there’s anyone about dense enough to think that*clearly* this was racism/Islamophobia on the part of the authorities in Irving, and that such a thing would never happen to Privileged White Kids, let me REMIND YOU: Pop Tart Pistols.

 Posted by at 10:07 pm
May 192017

While back in Illinois, I got to catch up with Bruce. He has grown some… but he’s also quite the troublemaker. He has claws and fangs and ain’t afraid to use ’em.

I also got to meet “Jazz” for the first time. He was rescued from the wild six or so months ago… wandering around sick and starving, he managed to stumble across just the right people. Now he’s living the good life. He’s some sort of special breed… a Persian or Himalayan or one of them smoosh-faced critters. Can’t say s I’m overly thrilled with people who think it’s just neato to intentionally breed cats like this whose sinus cavities are so mashed in that they can’t smell well enough to hunt, so that if they get out – or are kicked out – they can’t fend for themselves. But I can say I approve of those who rescue such animals. Jazz is a bit of a special needs cat, but he seems like a nice guy, and deserves better than he had. Fortunately, he got better than he had.


 Posted by at 10:23 pm
May 182017

“The Dark crystal” is just… odd. Ain’t no gettin’ past that. It’s sufficiently odd that I’ve always been amazed that it got greenlit and released way back in 1982 (yay! 35 years ago! I feel old yet again!!!!!). in the decades (sigh…)since, there have been numerous rumors of a sequel movie, but nothing ever came to pass. Now, though, it looks like Netflix is busily working away on a *prequel* series.

Reportedly, they’re doing it right… practical effects & puppets, with just a smidgeon of CGI. It might be easier to do the whole thing CGI… and that would make the series immediately forgettable. If they are true to the original, this could end up being a hell of a thing.

Interestingly: “Dark Crystal” could have been even more bizarre. As originally shot, the Skeksis didn’t speak English, but their own language, with subtitles. But apparently test audiences didn’t care for that, so they were re-dubbed into English. Not long after, Reverend Jim was speaking Klingon for good stretches of Star Trek III, and quite a bit after, the Elves and Orks were babbling away in their own languages, proving that audiences really didn’t have a problem with fantasy characters speaking fantasy languages.

As a child of the 80’s… I approve.

 Posted by at 6:26 pm
May 182017

This is some sorta propaganda art-film. The winner of a competition organized by the horrifically-named “Européens Sans Frontières (Europeans Without Borders),” the purpose of which, best as I can gather, was to produce a film about the plight of “migrants” as they try to gain access to (and gain control over) the lands and womenfolk of western Europe. I think that’s it, anyway. But the end result is… well, I’ll have to let it speak for itself, cuz I sure as shootin’ can’t explain it:

What *seems* to happen here is that a bespectacled European fairy aids some human traffickers in smuggling a family of “migrants” into western Europe in order to provide cheap labor and put some locals out of work. or something, it’s hard to tell. The original was in French, so maybe it loses something in translation. The thing is, I honestly can’t tell what the actual propaganda is here. Is it supposed to be “we welcome our replacements,” as seems the PC thing for Europeans to do these days? Or is the complete ridiculousness of it meant to satire that sentiment? Or – and I might be going a bit out on a limb here – is this actually a dark tale about one of the few remaining European fairy folk getting revenge on the European humans who wiped out her kind by sneaking in other humans from an alien and antagonistic culture, knowing full well that once a critical mass of the invaders are in place Europe will be plunged into another meatgrinder, killing off  tens or hundreds of millions of humans,  and providing the now nearly extinct fairy folk with a measure of justice against the Europeans who wiped them out centuries before?



 Posted by at 4:44 pm
May 182017

This will, no doubt, result in calm, reasoned discussion:

Atheists are more intelligent than religious people, say researchers

In short, the argument goes: religion evolved as an instinct, providing evolutionary advantages. Intelligence, however, allows one to over-ride instincts. Thus on average an intelligent person is more likely to be an atheist because they can bypass their instincts in favor of reason.

Note the direction in which the logic flows: “if you are more intelligent, you are more likely to become an atheist.” It’s *not* “if you’re an atheist, it proves you’re intelligent.”

So. Surely nobody will be upset or annoyed by this.

But then there’s this:

“It’s true that people who are less intelligent tend to have more children than people who are more intelligent,” Dutton tells Newsweek . “And intelligence is negatively associated with religiousness. So on that basis, you would expect religiousness to increase.

“If you have higher intelligence, you’re less instinctive. You’re lower in what you might call ‘evolved instincts’ that have evolved over thousands and thousands of years until the Industrial Revolution, when natural selection slowed down.”

He says that with intelligence being around 80 percent genetic, eventually there will be a decline in intelligence—and, as a result—a rise in religiousness. And this, he adds, could eventually lead to the fall of society. “It was commented on at the end of Rome, that the upper class weren’t having any children. It’s the same now,” he says.

I’ve seen that movie.


This is, perhaps shockingly, a concept I touch on in my Zaneverse novel.

There is another way to look at the evidence: prison. Prisons are jam-packed full of violent, stupid, thuggish brutes. They don’t, however, seem to be overflowing with atheists; rather, prison ministries of all kinds seem to be going gangbusters. Intelligence and prison seem to be negatively correlated; prison and belief in a deity that *explicitly* told your dumb ass not to do exactly what got you chucked into prison seem to be positively correlated.

 Posted by at 11:56 am