
Jul 052017

On September 1, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” will return to movie screens for one week. I don’t know if it will be “digitally enhanced,” but it seems probable that it will at least be cleaned up. If’n it’s showing at a theater anywhere near me, you can bet your ass I’m’a going. It, like “Star Wars” which premiered only half a year or so before it, has held up surprisingly well. Unlike “Star Wars,” I never saw “Close Encounters” in the theater, but it has all the hallmarks of a flick that demands a large screen.

And so long as they’re throwing this one back out there, why not:

1: “2001: A Space Odyssey”

2: “Star Trek The Motion Picture”

3: “The Black Hole”

4: “Blade Runner”

What else? Disney’s “20,000 Leagues Under The Sea?” “Patton?” “Raiders of the Lost Ark?”

 Posted by at 9:48 pm
Jul 052017


I can’t really blame the people in the video for being so twisted up. They are themselves victims… not of an evil racist America, but of a great many people – in the media, in the pulpits, in the government – who make bank off convincing people that they are oppressed, and that the way to deal with it is to keep themselves down.

 Posted by at 8:36 pm
Jul 052017

OK, yeah, I featured one of Exurb1a’s videos yesterday, but the guys content is almost entirely good and worth watching. He humorously blends sci-fi with philosophy and science, and sometimes something that vaguely resembles music.

Some good examples:

Basically the history of rockets, done right.


And this one, which was chuckleworthy throughout… until the very end when I actually did Laugh Out Loud:




 Posted by at 8:25 pm
Jul 052017

Ah, city life. With the being trapped in metal tubes with belligerent drunks, what’s not to like?

There is clearly a hero in this story… but I suspect that the hero may be in some legal trouble for having struck first. Still, it seems he did what he set out to, and did it well.

 Posted by at 11:01 am
Jul 042017

Around 1960, the USAF had high hopes for the development of ASP: “AeroSpace Plane.” ASP was a program to develop an airbreather one- or two-stage-to-orbit spaceplane. The first stage would use some form of Liquid Air Cycle Engine; the inlet would be actively cooled by the liquid hydrogen fuel so that the incoming air would be condensed to liquid, which would allow the liquified air to be stored and fed into high chamber pressure rocket engines. ASP was extremely ambitious, and obviously – since no airbreathing system has made it to orbit (not counting simple turbojet-powered aircraft carrying otherwise conventional rockets such as Pegasus) – it did not work. A fair chunk of change was spent on the concept, but it faded away after a few years. The basic idea of ASP would arise a quarter century later with NASP, to similar levels of success.

A good, well-illustrated article on ASP was published some time back in issue v2N5 of Aerospace Projects Review.

Most of the known ASP designs were produced by Convair. It seems that Convair jumped into the program with both feet, producing not only detailed diagrams of a whole range of vehicles but also artwork and display models. And the latter category included some beautiful see-through models made from Plexiglas. It shows some interior details such as the complex plumbing of the Liquid Air Cycle Engines, as well as the winged second stage tucked into the lower fuselage of the very large hypersonic first stage. In an era long before computer animation, models such a this would be very useful in illustrating complex concepts to customers and bosses.

I have uploaded the full-rez version of this photo to the 2017-07 APR Extras Dropbox folder, available to all APR Patrons at the $4 level and above. If you are interested in accessing these and other aerospace historical goodies, consider signing up for the APR Patreon.



 Posted by at 2:39 am
Jul 042017

Sometimes it’s really, really hard to tell the difference between over-the-top satire and what left wing extremists actually believe.

Beyond Pro-Choice: The Solution to White Supremacy is White Abortion

White women: it is time to do your part! Your white children reinforce the white supremacist society that benefits you. If you claim to be progressive, and yet willingly birth white children by your own choice, you are a hypocrite. White women should be encouraged to abort their white children, and to use their freed-up time and resources to assist women of color who have no other choice but to raise their children.

If you take a look at some of the other articles there, it’s almost certain that the site is a hoax/troll site, written by anti-SJW’s from the point of view of SJW extremists (a point of view that seems to be backed up by the advertisements that litter the website, ads that SJW’s would pop a gasket at). If you search for references to this specific article on Google, though, you’ll see a *lot* of people enraged by it. So I guess it worked; if the site makes its money from the ads, then this article is going to make them a mint.

But the thing is, as whackadoodle as the article is, it’s not really something that you can’t see SJWs actually advocating.

 Posted by at 12:47 am