
Jul 122017

OK, I have no opinion on any of this since I don’t know if any of it’s true. But if it’s even partially true, it’s certainly interesting. The idea is that the Russian lawyer who met with Donald trump Junior supposedly to give him Russian government dirt on Hillary was instead a Democrat “plant.” Shrug.

 Posted by at 3:04 pm
Jul 112017

Seems I’ve been a wee bit lax on the PDF Reviews. I will attempt to rectify that in the future.

Here is a Air Force conference paper from May, 1964, describing the X-20 Dyna Soar program and vehicle. At this point the program had been cancelled for some months; the configuration shown in the paper was essentially the final design. It’s a decent overall view of the Dyna Soar.

Here’s the link to the abstract:

The X-20 (Dyna-Soar) Progress Report

Here’s a link directly to the PDF.


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 Posted by at 11:38 pm
Jul 112017

Your Biggest Risk of Measles May Be a Trip to Europe

Seems measles is going gangbusters over in Europe… due  to a decrease in vaccination rates. There are two causes of *that,* both stupid:

  1. People buying into “vaccinations cause autism” and other lies
  2. Mass importation of non-vaccinated people from the Dirt World

So, consider this. At the same time violent crime rates in the US is still at a decades-long low, when “poverty” means living really well for a long time, when the threat of a major world war – despite some concerns in the last couple of years – remains a ghost from more than a generation ago, when information is freely and instantly available… people who should really know better are glomming onto utter rubbish such as vaccine hysterics and flat-Eartherism. It seems there’s a pretty substantial bug in human programming.

 Posted by at 8:18 pm
Jul 112017

Well, this should prove endlessly fascinating for the press.

Trump Jr. Was Told in Email of Russian Effort to Aid Campaign

In short, in June 2016 Don Trump Jr. was informed via email of a meeting with Russian lawyer who claimed to have dirt on Clinton… dirt dug up by the Russian government for the purpose of aiding Trump. Don Jr. expressed enthusiasm for this.

On  the one hand, this is not good news for the Trump narrative that he and his campaign had nothing to do with the Russians. On the other hand, it doesn’t really seem to back up the anti-Trump narrative that his campaign colluded with the Russians. It seems like the Russians – assuming the lawyer knew what she was talking about – had found the incriminating evidence on Clinton on their own initiative, and were simply offering it to the Trump campaign.

Now, on the one hand if someone offers you information that would be very useful or valuable to you, it seems reasonable enough to at least hear them out. On the other hand, there are laws against political campaigns accepting valuable gifts from foreign nationals, and “opposition research” can be considered monetarily valuable. Thus a violation of campaign finance laws. And on the other hand, we have hysterical Democrats like Tim Kaine crying “treason.” The problem with *that* is that treason is clearly defined in the US Federal Code:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason…

… and Don Jr.’s actions don’t come close to “treason.” In 2016,Russia was not an enemy of the US, so that wipes it out right there. And accepting information from even an enemy does not constitute giving them aid and comfort.

On the whole this is bad news for Trump. And potentially good news for future-President Pence.



 Posted by at 7:48 pm
Jul 102017

There are those who have weighed the pros and cons of raising the minimum wage to $15/hour and have decided that it would be a great idea.

Are you socially awkward? Do you hate human interaction? Now there’s hope, Fight for 15. Raising the minimum wage would speed up the robot takeover.

 Posted by at 4:55 pm
Jul 092017


Google Home Breaks Up Domestic Dispute By Calling the Police

In short: a boyfriend and a  girlfriend were having a fight; the boyfriend asked “did you call the sheriffs,” which the Google Home device overheard and interpreted as a command to “call the sheriffs.” the fight was overheard by the sheriffs, who proceeded to send in the SWAT team (anybody else remember when SWAT was used to go after terrorists?).


 Posted by at 2:47 pm
Jul 082017


Book-loving family in China slowly poisoned by their home library

In short: apparently the family was constantly ill, so they had the air in their home tested. It was found that they were being poisoned by formaldehyde coming off their large collection of books.

I have two questions:

  1. Do books really have that much formaldehyde in them?
  2. Couldn’t they just, I dunno, open a window or something?


 Posted by at 11:50 pm