
Aug 152017

Here’s an ok video about the Davy Crockett nuclear weapon. This was a dinky device… a recoilless-rifle launched projectile with a simple mechanical timer and a yield of around 25 tons (not kilotons… tons). It was really only meant for one thing… tormenting the hordes of Soviet infantry and armor that was expected to come pouring into West Germany Any Day Now.

I’ve been wanting to make a 1:1 scale replica of the M388 projectile for years, but I’ve never found the time.

Aww. Ain’t that adorable?


 Posted by at 5:01 pm
Aug 152017

One of the many, many complaints about the white nationalist rally in Virginia a few days ago, and the subsequent violence, was that the cops just sorta stood on the sidelines. Interestingly, the same complaint was made some months ago in Berkeley, California, after Antifa and similar types went on a rampage, committing acts of vandalism and violence.

A complaint against police in the US over the last couple decades is that they’ve become militarized. When I was a kid, a SWAT team would be called in when there was a terrorist takeover, or a heavily armed bank robbery, or supervillains stealing City Hall… you know, *big* crimes. These days SWAT teams and tactics are used to kick in the doors of people suspected of having a few ounces of ditch weed. Small police departments are proudly getting MRAP armored personnel carriers. And of course, groups such as BLM have spent several years screaming about cops just hauling off and shooting unarmed folk for no reason whatsoever.

So you’d think with a record like that, the cops would be *all* *over* violence in the streets, wading in swinging billyclubs while armored up like Lancelot. And yet, when it *finally* makes sense for the cops to go in wielding excessive force… they’re not, apparently.

I highly doubt that there’s any sort of coordinated strategy among police departments all across the land. Instead, I think it’s not unreasonable to suppose that after taking a beating in the press for a few years police are seeing situations with a million cell phone and TV cameras and deciding that discretion is the better part of avoiding a police brutality claim.

But since nobody can ever find and maintain the middle ground, since moderation is simply seen as being just as bad as The Other Guy, I suspect the pendulum will, sooner or later, swing back and the police will deal more directly with violent protests:

Or maybe they’ll jsut go that one extra step…

I still think that *eventually* we’ll see robot cops. So long as the source codes are open for public examination, they are (somehow) unhackable, and they’ve proven capable, robocops should make great ways to deal with riots and violent protests and the like. Heck, Dubai apparently already has one, though it’s minimally useful.

Science Fiction has already shown that robot cops are a technology with no apparent down sides.

 Posted by at 2:21 pm
Aug 152017

The Blade Runner “Blaster” water pistol I mentioned back in April is now available. When originally announced, it was supposed to cost about $12… and if you’re in Japan, that’s about right. But in the US, it costs about five times as much, at least so far. Numerous copies on eBay, one on Amazon.

Looks reasonably accurate. Not sure about the charging handle on the right side, but I suspect it would only require minimal effort to paint and otherwise dress up this piece into a pretty good replica.


 Posted by at 1:04 am
Aug 142017

The GBU-43A/B “Massive Ordnance Air Blast (aka Mother Of All Bombs)” is dropped from a C-130. It sits on an aluminum cradle and rolls out the back of the plane, pulled out by a parachute. The question is: how does that chute work? If you watch the video below, you can see the parachute pack “drop” from the upper part of the doorway. This looks like either the pack was attached to the ceiling of the cargo bay (or the inner portion of the aft door that hinges upwards) and simply dropped, or perhaps it’s hurled out  by a catapult of some type. Does anyone know? I’ve looked but so far I’ve failed to find any photos, diagrams or videos depicting the setup prior to deployment.


 Posted by at 10:35 am
Aug 142017

This afternoon a “human caused” fire in the mountains blew up into an 800-acre wildfire. Somebody’s in a bit of trouble.

Photos taken from my place just after sundown began to unveil the fires, but were nevertheless unimpressive shots.

This dark blue unrevealing photo provides some more info with a little bit of “fade correction” added…

But more impressive photos were to be had by hopping in the car, driving closer and waiting for the sky to darken.

Photos after the break…

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 Posted by at 2:10 am
Aug 132017

So, turns out that James Fields is, you guessed it, a Big Government, Anti-Capitalist Socialist:

Alleged driver of car that plowed into Charlottesville crowd was a Nazi sympathizer, former teacher says


“It was obvious that he had this fascination with Nazism and a big idolatry of Adolf Hitler,”

 he was a member of Vanguard America, which bills itself as the “Face of American Fascism.”

So, he has a fondness for a system that made a big deal out of economic collectivization, of the welfare state, of racial preferences, of disallowing wrongthink and wrongspeak.

 Posted by at 2:18 pm
Aug 132017

So, Dane Peter Madsen built himself a sizable submarine, using crowdfunding to raise the money (around $200,000). He took it for a spin with a Swedish journalist on board, it sank, she disappeared, and now he’s been arrested for her murder as the Danish authorities believe the sub was intentionally sunk.

Kim Wall: Danish submarine was ‘deliberately sunk’

I have to admit that I hadn’t heard of this sub until it sank. It actually looks pretty spiffy… but reading up on in on Wikipedia, some concerns began to grow:

It was built over a three-year period as an art project by Peter Madsen and a group of volunteers…

An “art project.” A friggen submarine as an ART PROJECT. Oh, no, who needs STEM…

Madsen took the sub out *alone* with the reporter. How is it ever a good idea to pilot a submarine alone?

It seems really unlikely to me that Madsen sank the sub in order to kill the journalist. But maybe he sank the sub for some purpose (Insurance scam? Drama? Art?) and the journalist died in the process. He claims that he dropped her off on shore before the sub sank, and her body hasn’t been found. Could this be some sort of ill-conceived hoax/joke thing, where the authorities are going to spend a whole lot of taxpayer money investigating this only to have her pop up and shout “Ta-Da!’ months down the line?


 Posted by at 11:10 am
Aug 132017

Late Friday night I went outside to photograph the meteor shower and was presented with a sky full of clouds. While that’s terrible for meteors, it had compensations.

I wound up taking hundreds of shots of lightningbolts. Most were pretty meh, but some were pretty good. I’ve cropped and resized some of the better ones, a small batch after the break. Click to view.

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 Posted by at 10:14 am
Aug 132017

As a followup to the photos of the H-33 display model, here’s a Grumman report from July, 1971, giving a pretty good and well illustrated description of the H-33 orbiter.

The abstract on NTRS can be seen HERE.

The PDF file can be directly downloaded here:

Alternate space shuttle concepts study. Part 2: Technical summary. Volume 2: Orbiter definition


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 Posted by at 2:25 am