
Aug 252017

When I think of advances in 3D printing, it tends to be by way of improved resolution. The finer you can print, the more accurate the model you can make.

But there are other metrics one might consider. The ability to print big stuff very quickly could of course be very advantageous for certain applications, especially those that don’t need micron-level accuracy. And so… this thing:

The items shown here all look pretty floppy, so I don’t know how useful this stuff would be as furniture, but I can see how a setup like this could be used to print off, say, a chair in just a matter of minutes. Given the speed involved, the per-unit price might even be competitive with that of an injection-molded chair.

 Posted by at 3:35 pm
Aug 252017


It’s claimed to be a functional space suit, good for a vacuum.  It’s less of a true space suit than a survival suit, like the suits the Mercury astronauts wore: good enough to keep you alive in case the spacecraft loses pressure, but not very flexible. Not something you’d want to go outside the ship and do repairs and fight Martians in. I guess we’ll see…


 Posted by at 10:28 am
Aug 252017

3,700-year-old Babylonian tablet rewrites the history of maths – and shows the Greeks did not develop trigonometry

In short, the small clay tablet is a trigonometric table. The claim is that Babylonian trigonometry is superior to modern trigbecause the Babylonians used base-60, while we use base-10. I’d argue that modern trigonometry is superior because we used base-gimme-the-damn-calculator.

Also, the title of the article seems not entirely accurate. It may well be that the Babylonians were using trigonometry tables a thousand years before Hipparchus came on the scene, but that doesn’t mean the Greeks didn’t develop trigonometry: they may well have simply developed it *separately.* Various areas of mathematics have been independently developed over the millenia by widely separated groups.

The existence of trig 3,700 years ago s both cool… and a bit depressing. One does not need to go into the whackadoodle Ancient Aliens & Atlantis territory to realize that there were some surprisingly advanced areas of mathematics, science and technology long ago… the Antikythera mechanism being perhaps the most famous.  At least *technically,* humanity *could* have embarked on an industrial revolution more than 2,000 years ago, rather than only within the last 300 years, meaning that today mankind could have wholly colonized the solar system and be well on out way out among the stars. But while the pieces were there, it was to big of  task to put them all together.

One if left to wonder what we might have floating around today in widely separated and apparently irrelevant chunks that a few thousand years from now people will see as the obvious parts to their cultural machines. Maybe the proper merging of Little Caesar’s pizza baking technology to the Hall–Héroult process with Hello Kitty, Ginsu Knives, televangelism and tentacle porn will produce a practical low-cost interstellar propulsion system.

But I ain’t learnin’ no base-60 math.


 Posted by at 9:35 am
Aug 252017

Been away from Ye Olde Internet for much of the day… hey, I’ve got other stuff to do. When I checked email there were a few notifications of comments on this here blog; I normally give them a quick glance and reply… or don’t. As I hope seems fair and accurate, I generally let people say whatever they want, whether I agree or not, so long as they don’t go bonkers.

One of the notifications was from a commenter I didn’t recognize, commenting on the recent ANTIFA issues. The comment was one of those Tolstoy-esque wall-o-texts that usually go by almost utterly unread, because, really, who has the time. But I scanned through it and promptly decided that it needed to be countered. I opened up the relevant post, but the comment was gone. I assume the commenter deleted his own post. Shrug.

What the commenters point was, I’m not entirely clear… remember, wall-o-text. But it ended off with the sort of thing that makes me go “oy,” sigh, and shake my head. In short… all the troubles in society today are the result of DA JOOOOZ. Apparently they are deviously working at eliminating the white race and installing a multicultural dystopia via the forces of ANTIFA and similar left-wing fascist organizations.

Ummm… yeah, no.


As startled as some have been by the existence of a few hundred neo-Nazis out in Virginia, I’d like to say I’m as startled by the existence of a *lot* more anti-semites still spouting really, really wacky late 19th century conspiracy theories. Sadly, I can’t honestly say I’m that startled; I’ve seen this sort of nonsense for *decades.* If you believe these loons, an astonishingly small cabal of Jews control the whole world.

You’d think that if Da Jooz were that good at that sort of thing, there’d be more of them, and they wouldn’t be under perpetual assault by idiots and savages. Conversely, if they were this good at controlling the world while leaving no actual evidence whatsoever, maybe we should let them. Because they must be pretty damn good at it…

What gets me is just how all-purpose the Blame-The-Jews conspiracy is. At the same time that the Jews are blamed for killing Christ, they are also blamed for *creating* Christianity as a way to trash the native European religions. Way to cover all those bases, guys.

Also of head-scratching interest is just how much overlap there seems to be in anti-semitic conspiracy theories and Russian interests. Basically, Russian Nazis. This is, of course, not new; I’ve yammered about Russian pro-Hitler neo-Nazis before. And whole it’s not new, it remains utterly perplexing.

Russian Nazis. RUSSIAN NAZIS. At the same time Russia was invading, occupying and annexing chunks of Ukraine because the Russian government was supposedly concerned about supposed fascists in the Ukrainian government, the Russian government was loading up with fascists. Weird.

There are lots of problems in the world, and a lot of problems in American culture and society. But the Jews? Sorry, no. Jewish theology impresses me as little as most other religious theologies, but you know what? Unlike some religions I can name, the era when the Jews were a threat to outsiders is *long* over. A few hundred years of getting smacked around by the Babylonians and the Egyptians and the Romans pretty much put an end to that nonsense, and for the last few millenia they’ve not been troublesome. Why the hell the Jews continue to get the blame for things that are clearly not their fault is confounding. It’s a bug in the human operating system, the same bug that results in people screeching about 9/11 being either a hoax or an inside job, school shootings like Newtown being carried out by “crisis actors,” aliens being responsible for everything that the Jews weren’t (and, I suppose, often enough responsible for everything that the Jews are also responsible for), Apollo being a hoax, Fukishima dumping so much radiation into the environment that California was doomed, AIDS was created in a CIA lab, that the Earth is flat, that the Earth is 6,000 years old, that the Earth is the center of the universe. We are a buggy damn species.

I suppose that’s the Jews fault too.


So I suppose the short form is: if you come here to blame DA JOOZ for the problems of the world, or for your own damn failings… bugger off.

 Posted by at 1:07 am
Aug 232017

I had much to do today. Picking up the F7F diagram and a roll of new large transparencies to make a few short cyanotype runs was the least of it. And while out and about I caught random snippets of this and that on the radio,  some of it I simply didn’t understand. Something or other about ESPN and the Confederates, which didn’t make a whole lot of sense at the time since it was my understanding that the Confederates had their asses handed to them by Sherman and Grant somewhere north of a century before ESPN came on the scene. I assumed that I was simply hearing things out of context, and when I had a chance to look into later I’d find that the story would make sense.


UNREAL: ESPN Pulls Asian-American Announcer From Virginia Football Game Because His Name Is Robert Lee

ESPN pulled Asian-American sports announcer Robert Lee from this weekend’s University of Virginia vs. William & Mary football game because they were afraid he might offend people. Why? His name is too similar to Confederate General Robert E. Lee. For the record, Robert E. Lee is white and has been dead for over 100 years.

We are *DEEP* into the Stupid Ages.

 Posted by at 11:21 pm
Aug 232017

Thanks to some APR Patreon crowdfunders, I was able to procure a *giant* blueprint of the Grumman F7F Tigercat from ebay. Today I got it back from the print shop where it was scanned at 300 dpi, resulting in an image more than 29,000 pixels wide. The image was processed a little bit to reduce the file size from 900+ megabytes down to 100, and a half-size version and a B&W version. These files have been provided to the funders. The blueprint itself will now be sent on to a relevant and worthy museum or archive.

If you are interested in getting in on and helping with this sort of thing, consider signing up for the APR Patreon.



 Posted by at 10:56 pm
Aug 222017

Looks like for once I made the right choice: yesterday after the eclipse I launched directly out of Mackay, Idaho, and headed south on 26/84. The traffic was heavy, but not so much so that it stopped things from moving at highway speeds and I managed to get home in about 4 hours. I didn’t take the shorter I-15 route because I figured it’d be swamped. I later heard that other folks who *did* take I-15 made decent time; it wasn’t too busy.

It looks like what happened was that everyone in eastern Idaho also assumed that I-15 yesterday would be a nightmare and decided to wait till today to head south. With the result that I-15 became the parking lot the media had promised, just a day late.

Note that the northbound lane is *empty.*

 Posted by at 7:36 pm
Aug 222017

Danish Submarine Inventor Says He Buried Swedish Journalist at Sea

Dane Peter Madsen now claims that journalist Kim Wall was killed on board his sub during a “mishap,” so, of course, he buried her at sea.


Guys. GUYS. Totally unrelated news story:

Unidentified torso ‘deliberately mutilated

Honestly, WTF is wrong with people? Dude had his own rocket company *and* submarines, and hestill apparently felt the need to chop a woman up into fish food?

 Posted by at 5:16 pm