
Oct 192017

Some interesting recent developments:

Atlas Of The Underworld

When a continental plate is subducted beneath another, you’d imagine that it would melt away to liquid hot magma and become part of the gooey inner mess. but as it turns out, some of these plates can stick around in a more or less solid state for a *long* time, and they can be mapped using seismic tomography. Around a hundred of these slabs have been mapped out, down to several hundred kilometers in depth, still recognizably more-or-less solid chunks drifting in the mantle. This means that there *could* *maybe* *possibly* be some really interesting things down there where we’ll almost certainly never get to see them. Say, 300 million years ago something truly remarkable evolved on some small continent… say, an archosaur developed smarts *real* fast and became human-smart and built a whole civilization on their island, then they were wiped out by disease or aliens or a high tax rate married to an unwise nanny-state system of government. Their cities of concrete and stone were buried under dust and mud and ash, then fifty million years later the plate was subducted. Meaning that a hundred miles below your feet there might still be recognizable evidence of a far-pre-human terrestrial civilization, one you’ll almost certainly never get to hear about.


Detection of intact lava tubes at Marius Hills on the Moon by SELENE (Kaguya) Lunar Radar Sounder

These aren’t piddly little tubes, either. These are big enough to plant whole cities within, inside where they’d be protected from radiation and thermal cycling.

 Posted by at 9:54 pm
Oct 192017

Warning of ‘ecological Armageddon’ after dramatic plunge in insect numbers

The abundance of flying insects has plunged by three-quarters over the past 25 years …. When the total weight of the insects in each sample was measured a startling decline was revealed. The annual average fell by 76% over the 27 year period, but the fall was even higher – 82% – in summer, when insect numbers reach their peak.

Wipe out 75%of skeeters and I’ll smile and nod (although that’ll still be really bad news for birds and bats tat eat them). Wipe out 75% of the pollinating insets like bees… and that’s just plain Not Good.

Pesticides are assumed to be largely responsible for the decline in flying insects. Like antibiotics, a good case can be made for assuming that modern societies have become to dependent upon them. Solutions would seem to include things like genetically modified food crops that don’t need pesticides, creating synthetic foodstuffs in factories (“So how’s the Soylent Green?” “It varies from person to person.”) and contracting with the Drax Corporation to do some spraying over high population density regions like NYC, LA, India and China.

 Posted by at 11:52 am
Oct 192017

Sometime around the early 1990’s, the people who get excited about such things got excited about “donuts on a rope” contrails, which many assumed were the results of pulse detonation engines powering hypersonic Aurora spyplanes. Of course it turned out that these contrails, if you actually traced them to their sources, were being left behind perfectly normal jetliners cruising at substantially subsonic speeds. I see them, or something very much like them, on a regular basis. Anyone can who lives anywhere near the normal jetliner traffic lanes. I saw this one a few days ago:

Crappy photo taken with my cell phone, but it gets the idea across. The aircraft producing it was traveling at a normal rate of speed for a jetliner… as is always the case when I see these things.

So my question is: what *is* producing these regular puffs in the contrail? They look like they come on the rough order of magnitude of once per second.

 Posted by at 2:07 am
Oct 172017

Interesting if true:

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

The basic claims are not new, but the claims that the FBI knew about it and essentially sat on it… that’s new.

Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.

They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.

 Posted by at 10:31 pm
Oct 172017

Several billion years from now, right about the time the US Federal Debt is paid off, the Milky way and Andromeda galaxies are going to collide and eventually merge into one bigger galaxy. Very likely there will not be even a single collision of actual stars, but the collision of gas clouds could result in some spectacular star formation events. Start getting ready soon to avoid the last minute rush.


 Posted by at 9:38 pm
Oct 162017

A Russian company is apparently providing “hoverbikes” to the Dubai police. The bikes are overgrown quadcopters with nicely exposed rotors, perfect for chopping into bystanders.

To be sure, these things look cool, but I’m just as glad that I’m not one of the cops beta testing them.

The payload seems to be about 100 kilos, flight time about 30 minutes. That’s really not too shabby. Come back in a few years and these things might really be some kind of practical; extend the arms some, increase the rotor size (meaning a lower disk loading and a somewhat quieter system), improve the batteries and computer system, shave off weight with new/better composite structures, and you might have something that could be hauled around on modified ambulances and/or fire trucks for rescues from buildings and in the back end of beyond. Militaries could well want them, especially if they are optionally-manned.


 Posted by at 10:24 pm
Oct 152017

An apparently pre-Mercury “space capsule” design from Rocketdyne. I am somewhat dubious, though… I suspect it might be less “space capsule” than “high altitude capsule.” Nothing about it screams “re-entry vehicle;” rather it look like something that might have been hauled to the edge of space by a large balloon. The pressure suits worn by the occupants look like something to be worn by a U-2 pilot; there sure is a whole lot of wasted volume in there and it would be odd for a capsule meant to operate in zero-g to have a ladder in it.

 Posted by at 11:04 am
Oct 152017

Rumors have swirled for decades that the footage might exist somewhere…

17 Minutes of Lost ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ Footage Found

In short: footage was trimmed after the premiere by Kubrick, who felt that the 17 minutes slowed the pacing of the flick. From the brief descriptions of the bits cut… yeah, they actually seem pretty dull, likely to add little to the story. There’s no interest in recutting the footage back into the movie to make a new “directors cut” or some such, but a lot of hope that it’ll show up on a future Blu Ray release. The footage was found in a vault in a Kansas salt mine, and is apparently in pristine condition.

 Posted by at 10:59 am