Dec 182010

Five new documents are available for purchase, all on the Avro (Canada) Project 1794/WS.606A/Avrocar VTOL “flying saucer” project. They are available for purchase for download or on CD-ROM, here:

Buy soon! Buy now! Buy often! The cats need food, the house needs heat, and none of it’s free. Buy stuff from Amazon!

 Posted by at 1:13 pm

  4 Responses to “New: Avro “flying saucer” documents”

  1. I read so many stories of these things.what was the status of all of them?
    which ones were built and tested and which ones stayed on the drawing boards?

    • Are U retarded? You see them daily in thousand on the sky since 1949 and U still asking. In which epoche U live? 1920? Damn. Study man, study dont talk bullshit.

  2. I’d like to see more info on the Bono HLLV saucer

  3. That Bono thing was just a trade space thing that was added to a paper to show that attempting to develop winged recoverable HLLVs would yield unworkable designs. He also showed a delta-winged HLLV with something like a 900-foot wingspan (or maybe a 900-foot fuselage, I disremember). As noted, “The design evidently went no further than a notional concept in the trade study”.

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