Nov 272010

Seems that the feds have arrested one Mohamed Osman Mohamud, formerly of Somalia, for trying to set off a bomb at a Christmas-tree lighting event in Portland, Oregon. Turns out his “compatriots” in the plot were actually FBI agents. He was stopped not by X-ray machines, but by police work.

Mohamed Osman Mohamud: Probably Amish. Or maybe a Quaker.

 Posted by at 9:44 am

  19 Responses to “Not Stopped By The TSA”

  1. Are you trying to get yourself killed? You just published a picture of Mohammed.

  2. > You just published a picture of Mohammed.

    Nope. Just posted a pic of *Mohamed,* not *Mohammed.” This is the sort of distinction that will be clearly recognized by perfectly rational people. So what could I, or anyone else, *possibly* have to worry about?

  3. GUNS UP.

  4. I’m voting for Amish. They don’t use technology, and maybe he’s a fringe member who has chosen to be willing to sacrifice his connection with the Truth for a greater good.

  5. I’ll bet he’s Belgian. I’m afraid of Belgians.

  6. Entrapment.

  7. > Entrapment.

    Not by any definition I’ve ever seen. He was not sitting at home one day playing X-Box when the FBI came up to him and said, “hey, let’s go bomb some people; it seems to have been entirely his idea. Hell, the operatives apparently tried to talk him out of it at least once (by asking him if he was cool with murdering children).

    That moves it from “entrapment” to “sting.”

    Once again, though, the terrorist turns out to be something of a monumental dimwit. Might have been better off if the operatives had suggested that he himself make the bomb. Then the story would be something about some kid who blew his arms and face off while whipping up RDX in the basement.

  8. Still entrapment. If he hadn’t been offered the opportunity he might not have done it. Under most legal systems, this must be proven “beyond reasonable doubt” that he did ALL the running and the FBI did not provide him with the opportunity, deliberately to entrap him at ANY time. I see a very showy trial and an acquittal in the future. Another bungled investigation.

  9. > Still entrapment.

    Nope. If I leave my front door open, it’s not entrapment if the cops are hiding in the bushes to arrest anyone who comes in and start stealing stuff. Similarly, police depArtments all over the place have been having a rousing good tiem with “bait cars.” Makes for dandy TV *and* easy convictions of scumbags.

    As for a bungled investigation… well, we’ll see. As I said, it would clearly have been better if he’d blown himself to bits in his own home. Cheaper for the taxpayers and better for the gene pool.

  10. If a policeman in plainclothes walks up and offers you something illegal and then arrest you after you purchase it, it is entrapment. If a policeman offers you a gun, in the heat of the moment, knowing you’ll use it to shoot the president, its entrapment.

  11. Ah, but if you walk up to a policeman and ask to buy something illegal, that’s *not* entrapment. And that’s essentially what happened here.

  12. His head looks like Marvel’s Prince Namor. 🙂
    I always wanted someone do a skit where an FBI agent infiltrates a terrorist cell, pulls out his ID and places them all under arrest…only to find out that the cell’s entire membership consists of FBI, CIA, DHS, and INS covert agents, each unaware of the other agencies infiltration of the group.

  13. I mean, look at the height of the guy’s forehead; it gets any taller, and you would think he’s from Metaluna:
    God, I’d give anything for a replica full-scale Interociter to stick in my little apartment. 😀

  14. > I’d give anything for a replica full-scale Interociter to stick in my little apartment.

    You know that I *do* build stuff for money, yes?

  15. Bet yours couldn’t incinerate things in the room if the conversation took a bad turn though, could it?
    Conversations between Metalunans on their Interociters must have been the most polite things imaginable, for fear of what would happen if you pissed off the person you were talking to.
    As to why breeding giant bugs with brains four times the size of yours would ever seem like a good idea…let’s just leave that question to the Krell and why they thought that gizmo they made was a good idea either. 😀

  16. I actually was going to build something like a Interociter around twenty years back; three of those small glass plasma balls surrounding one of those big electrical discharge discs that you could get down at Spencer Gifts, hooked up to the audio of the phone so that the whole works pulsated as you talked.
    My original Radio Shack giant Plasma Ball suffered a truly odd end when my big Romulan advanced Bird-Of-Prey model had its suspension hook come free of the ceiling, and fell straight onto it, resulting in such a loud explosion as the glass sphere ruptured that both myself and my guest hit the floor immediately, thinking that someone was firing on us through the windows of the apartment.
    After a minute, we figured out what had really happened.
    Surprisingly, the big model Romulan BOP survived just fine from the fall, ending up on her back on the floor; she has a weird luck about her that has allowed her to topple to the ground around three times since with no major damage.
    As to the plasma ball, it blew apart so violently as the tempered glass sphere imploded into its vacuumated center…and the shards kept right on going in small rectangular fragments as they passed through that point…that I still find them occasionally while cleaning up the apartment around a decade and a half later, a dozen or more feet from where they started at, like the fragments of the planet Krypton that fell to Earth.l

  17. >Ah, but if you walk up to a policeman and ask to buy something illegal, that’s *not* entrapment. And that’s essentially what happened here.

    ASIUI, he did not. He was offered the opportunite, the means and the chance to do something. They led him on, each step of the way.

  18. Although I can see the basic concept that maybe the federal agents helped inspire him a bit on the way, about the time that someone suggested: “Wouldn’t it be cool to kill a lot of innocent people at a Christmas tree lighting celebration?”, he should have maybe have had second thoughts about the whole idea, no matter where it came from originally.
    I mean, if people came up to me and said: “Wouldn’t it be cool to kill a whole bunch of innocent Muslims outside the holy mosque in Mecca during their Hajj?”
    …I certainly would have thought about that concept for a bit before starting to figure out with them how to do that.

  19. Another idiot. And a piece of shit.

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