Aug 172010

The Most Amazing News Story Of The Day:

Ex-NASA worker admits stealing space suit

Wow! Stealing a space suit? That’s pretty hard core! NASA space suits cost something like ten million dollars, and are large, heavy items. How did he swipe it? The helmet alone would be difficult to steal… it’s not like he could have put it in his lunchbox. And what was he planning on doing with it? Putting it on eBay? Perhaps the article will have details of this amazing theft…

The flight suit bearing the name patch Sally Ride for the first U.S. woman astronaut in space is valued at more than $1,000.

Ummm… ah. A… flight suit.

Errrr… a flight suit looks like this:


While a space suit looks like this:


Considering that the source of the article is the Miami Herald, you’d think that maybe they’d have someone on staff who knew a little something or other about that big organization down the road with all the rockets and junk.

 Posted by at 9:28 pm

  4 Responses to “More Journo-Fail”

  1. “Smith’s estranged wife contacted authorities after finding the items in a suitcase”

    She read Sally Ride written somewhere in the suit, no doubt about it.

  2. I dunno if there are any Trailer Park Boys fans on here, but I immediately thought of this:

    Language Warning!

    I have propagated this link as our Agency’s future; refer to your post on killing the space program and the teams/knowledge that was lost as a result.

  3. Obviously, Calvin wasn’t a rocket scientist.

  4. Exhibit A for the prosecution in the case of reality v. contemporary journalism.


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