Aug 142010

This is both sci-fi cool, and a little creepifyin’.

The technique uses transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), in which weak electrical currents are applied to the scalp using electrodes. The method can temporarily increase or decrease activity in a specific brain region and has already been shown to boost verbal and motor skills in volunteers.

Will the college students of the future, cramming for tomorrows exam, live by the motto “Tase me, bro?”

 Posted by at 11:49 pm

  6 Responses to “Skull electrodes give memory a boost”

  1. That’s sort of related to suspected effects that electrical energy releases during earthquakes are thought to have in relation to seeing UFO’s by stimulating parts of the brain and causing hallucinations.
    It also sounds related to what I thought happened to Nikola Tesla with his high voltage electrical experiments that left him thinking pigeons were angels.

  2. Why not?

    I know some persons who’d benefit from lots of that.

  3. Get your God Helmet stuff here:
    Nothing could possibly go wrong with this concept, could it?
    This sounds just like how a H.P. Lovecraft story would start.
    A few pages later, when something with bat wings and tendrils shows up inside someone’s head and turns them inside out… 😀

  4. I think that was M. Persinger who was dealing with the God Helmet
    He also did work on Earth Lights IIRC

  5. I think he may be onto something there regarding the earthquake electrical emissions and UFO sightings.
    Just on a lark, I checked out a map of world fault lines and one passes right under Rendlesham forest in Britain, where the famous UFO sighting occurred.

  6. Hogwash. EM fields put out by grinding tectonic plates are pitiful compared to the EM fields put out by power stations, power lines and very likely the monitor right in front of you.

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