Jul 302008

Some people take the Obama worship just a little too far… up to and including threats of violence in case he loses. Granted, this is the internet, where people talk bigger than they act in real life… but there is a kernel of whackadoodle prophetic truth in some of this. Here’s an article about the possibility of Obama losing… and some of the rather psychotic responses.

And If Obama Loses… What Then, Medialand?

If Obama loses, that means that votes weren’t counted. And if that happens, we’re fucked. I truly think that this would push people over the edge and I do think shit will go down. Like riots and violence, kinda shit.

And if Obama’s team fucks this up, which they probably will, we all should be shocked and probably throw in a little destruction to show ’em that we’re serious.

That said, just in case Obama loses, I think I will begin research for An Arsonist’s Guide to the Red States.

That said… if Barry Hussein loses, I’m going to burn something down and then move to Canada.

And this is without looking at threads on such intellectual sewers as “Daily Kos” and “Democratic Underground.” How are the Obama fanatics and left-wing racists going to respond if Obama does in fact lose? There are at least two major forms of losing… one would be a close race like 2000, where it’ll be easy to claim that the race was stolen; and there’s always the faint possibility that McCain will pull off a major undisputed victory. in the latter case, i suspect that pretty much all we’ll see is a lot of morose Obamessiahists. But in the former case, I would not be the least bit surprised if violence occurs.

And if McCain loses? A whole lot of morose conservatives, trying to figure out how to hoard their funds and game the new and “improved” tax codes sure to come down the pike.

 Posted by at 12:23 pm

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