Jun 102010

A week ago I took some photos of a gleaming B-17 in the open air at the Logan airport. Some seemed to think that the engine photo was pretty good. Well, today I found myself near the Hill Aerospace Museum, and decided to take a few comparison photos.

Sadly, there’s no comparison.

First, the museum B-29. It’s sitting outside, which for photography is good; but the weather was cloudy, which was bad. Worse, the B-29 is pretty beat to hell, in serious need of restoration. Worse still, metal screen has been nailed in place over the engine itself. All the other major piston engined planes outside have the same screening. Bah.


Next was the museum’s B-17. This one has been lovingly restored, which is good, and has no screening, which is great. But it’s indoors, which sucks something fierce.


Conclusion: carefully restored, no screens, clean, outside, bright sunshiny day. Accept no substitutes.

 Posted by at 10:29 pm

  2 Responses to “It Just Ain’t The Same”

  1. The display planes at the USS Alabama in Mobile have metal inserts where those above have the screen, to keep birds out. I have seen other display planes done each way, the inserts usually set back inside the cowling and painted flat black. Have to compromise to protect the ships, as you probably know, bird droppings are hell on aluminum.

  2. Have you ever been to the EAA Fly-In in Oshkosh? A great opportunity to photograph lots of rare, flyable aircraft…

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