Jun 012010

… always messing up central America’s cities:



Hint: maybe building a city atop an easily eroded cave system isn’ the best idea.

 Posted by at 1:30 am

  7 Responses to “Damned Cthonians…”

  1. Doesn’t look real in some of those, does it? Photoshop has turned out to be less than a friend to journalistic photographers.

    What’s at the bottom? Will they expand to take all of the nearby real estate? If Guatemala City falls into the ground, will everyone there come here? Can we arrange for sinkholes to take everyone in the bad parts of a particular city?

    I recall dimly a Canadian family that died when their house vanished into a sinkhole, a week or so ago.

  2. Instant Titan II missile silo!

  3. The bottom is so dark it looks like an opening into some massive cavern. I hope someone posts pics of the bottom.

  4. Jesus, how deep is that hole ?!

  5. Michel – 330 feet or so was the figure I got this morning. That second image looks utterly surreal.


  6. I saw those photos, and thought the first leg of the Martian tripod will be emerging from the hole shortly, like in the recent WOTW movie.

  7. Everybody knows cthonians are mythical creatures that don’t really exist. This is obviously the work of the Mole Man’s monsters

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