May 302010

Apart from it’s deplorable lack of aerospace projects, Hyperbole and a Half is just plain awesome. Puts my little piece of crap to shame.

It’s filled with some of the lamest, cruddiest Microsoft Paint illustrations you’ll find anywhere… and they are damn near the best things I’ve ever seen.

I’ve had me one hell of a shitty day (bad enough to cause me to open up a can of expletives right up front here, something generally attempt to avoid), and this has nevertheless made me laugh.

Perhaps the single finest thing on the Internets is the proposed new Pain Rating Scale. If I were able to crank out that kinda wit, I’d consider my life to have meant something.

 Posted by at 6:15 pm

  7 Responses to “Quite possibly the world’s finest blog”

  1. In the last month I have spent eight hours in an emergency room, in two visits for a ill lady friend. I saw those pain charts. Another version is desperately needed. The proposed versions make a lot more sense.

    Cute as the other one was, I prefer your work, Scott. Hyperbole and a Half is never going to offer me new wisdom about the MOL.

  2. > I prefer your work

    I’m much more of a niche market. Just look at the numbers of comments… I rarely get more than two or three, while H & 1/2 gets 80.

    Such is life.

  3. How do you find such neat sites?

  4. > How do you find such neat sites?

    Family, religion, friends.. these are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business.

  5. Yeah, this is very much a niche. If I wanted to be the average person, I’d go where they are.

    This is a classic, and deserves to be mentioned in any serious MBA program: “Family, religion, friends.. these are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business.” Might I quote you? Properly cited, of course.

  6. > Properly cited, of course.

    Then you’d have to cite C. Montgomery Burns, I’m afraid.

  7. Thanks; I’ll do just that.

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