May 082010

And the hits just keep on a’comin’…

Hamilton’s police chief admits they got the wrong apartment and the wrong man when officers burst into the home of an unsuspecting refugee from Myanmar who was left terrified and bloodied.

Heavily armed officers were looking for an alleged cocaine dealer who lives in a different unit in the same apartment building as 58-year-old Po La Hay and his two adult children. … Officers handcuffed him and asked if he was the man listed on their warrant, he said. When he said, “No, my name is Po La,” Hay claims officers smashed his face on the floor and began kicking him. …  He has stitches above his left eye, a bruised and bloodied nose and red marks along his back and side. He said one rib is broken and he will have to return to doctors for more tests. He looks less than 100 pounds.

Good job, Officer Friendly. Oh, and the real kicker? The city of “Hamilton” is actually Hamilton, Ontario. As in Canada. So once again people are getting their asses kicked by Big Government because people are willingly buying products for their own use and enjoyment.

 Posted by at 2:33 pm

  9 Responses to “Done in your name, eh…”

  1. I’m sorry,but what is wrong with some of these jagoffs?

  2. I don’t blame the cops, even the ones who get, shall we say, overly enthusiastic. Who I blame are those who support Giant Government and massive numbers of laws. The inevitable results of *those* are the making illegal vast numbers of things that there’s no good reason to be illegal. And once the cops are expected to enforce vast laws, the enforcement of *good* laws, such as arresting thieves, murderers, rapists and invaders, necessarily suffers.

  3. When you make all people criminals you have the justification for stripping them of their rights. This has been the plan of the political left for over 100 years.

  4. “overly enthusiastic”

    That’s a nice euphemism for, oh let’s pick an example, kicking a handcuff man in the head. But that’s not the problem, Big Government is the problem.

    It doesn’t matter how big the government is or isn’t, police officers beating the crap out of the citizenry is illegal and wrong.

    Here’s my example

    He apologizes for the ethnic slurs, but he’s apparently ok with kicking someone in the head. Why is this such a bad thing ? They had the wrong guy, an innocent man gets kicked in the head by cops. No apology.

    But it’s ok because the liberals want big government ?

  5. It’s never OK. What Scott’s trying to say is that the bigger government is, the more likely such things are to happen, and the harder they are to stop. Therefore the best way to minimize such incidents is not to institute new training programs or policies or whatever else liberals typically throw at these situations as potential solutions, but rather to decriminalize acts that should not be crimes anyhow and otherwise shrink the size of government.

    P.S. I think Scott made it pretty clear from the wording that he was using “overly enthusiastic” as an euphemism.

  6. > It doesn’t matter how big the government is or isn’t, police officers beating the crap out of the citizenry is illegal and wrong.

    Actually, it does matter. If the government is truly gigantic, then it becomes a police state… and if a small percentage of cops are out-of-control assholes, it’s a massive problem, since a small percent of a very large number can still be a pretty big number. Since there are a vast number of such bad cops, it’s an un-counterable problem.

    On the other hand, if government is no bigger than it needs to be, and the police are empowered solely to enforce the laws that actually need to be (murder, rape, asault, theft, tresspassing, etc), then there would be a far smaller number of cops. And if the exact same percentage of such cops are Bad, the total number of them is quite small, and a *really* small percentage of the population as a whole… and thus far more easily held to account.

    My suggestion: take a look at prison population stats. Those who are in prison for purely consentual crimes – prostitution, drug use, drug sales, drug manufacturing – make up X%. If we did the wise thing and decriminalised those acts, we could also reduce the need for cops by X%. Fire the bad ones first, use the rest to enforce the laws that actually need enforcing.

  7. Ok, I was worried for a bit.

  8. The question isn’t whether or not you should be worried… it’s whether you’re worried *enough.*

  9. I’m sorry officers but the Internet now makes it easy to document for the World your screw-ups and allows others to comment on them:

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