Apr 232010

This seems like a good idea to me. When a few individuals commit acts of blasphemy (formerly known as “saying what they think”), they make themselves big targets. When it’s being done by thousands spread across whole continents… the nutjobs will be hard pressed to do anything.


 Posted by at 10:40 pm

  5 Responses to “May 20: Everybody Draw Mohammad Day”

  1. Oh I will. Maybe I’ll portraty Muhammad as a doorknob. Perhaps a fire hydrant. Or maybe a Cylon.

    Of course you can’t go wrong with a classic, and my personal favorite, the bomb turban.

    HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, where’s the death threats now?! Huh? Haha!

  2. I’m commenting here because it won’t let me comment on the post below. Attempting to comment there takes me to the shopping cart. Also, Paypal keeps trying annoyingly to resize my browser window.

    *sigh* I added the Boeing SSTOs to the cart, then scrolled down and tried to add the Star Clipper, and ended up with two copies of the SSTOs in my cart. So I appear to be encountering a variant of the same problem I see others have had.

    Now I try going back and adding items in a different order, but whenever I click the button in the “Trying Again: Star Clipper” post, I get a 1988 SSTO in my cart.

    Are these going to be added to the main eAPR page at some point?

  3. I was hoping a jive-talking pimp-daddy pig would climb out of the bear costume. Ah well.

  4. Yes, I too would like to see Mohammed portrayed as a pig. After all, so long as you’re deliberately offending anyway, why not go for the double whammy.

    Fun fact: Israelis use guard pigs at their West Bank settlements, as a psychological deterrent to Muslims.

  5. Brianna,

    I like that one

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