Apr 152010

A while back I took a series of photos of the B-1 bomber on display at the Hill Aerospace Museum and stitched them together into what I must say is a fairly impressive large image. A few weeks back I had it printed on a 24X36 sheet of matte photo paper.  The aspect ratio was just a little off, so there are white “borders” at top and bottom.

Earlier this week I took it down to the Museum, with the intention of showing it to the gift shop’s managers and seeing if I could get them to carry this and other image. Short form: No. Not enough display area to carry such large pictures. Thus ends *that.*

So, having more need of money than for one of my own photos… who wants it? It is a really big picture, and IMO really quite good. It is also a one-of-a-kind, and likely to remain that way… if i somehow or other do manage to figure out some way of selling these as prints, they will almost certainly be on different, less-expensive paper. But I’m not foreseeing any such business venture anytime soon, so whoever buys this will have Print Number One of a run total of One.

Photos show the size of the print, as well as a few minor imperfections. It seems that when I got back to my car from the gift shop, I should have tossed in my coat *first* and then the print, not the other way around. Oh, well. Gives it “character.”

 Rather than eBaying it, I’ll do with this what I did with the aerospace art prints a week ago. First person to say “me!” wins the auction at the most recent price listed.  I’ll start at some ridiculously high price, and occasionally toss out lower bids. If you want the items and I get down to a price you’ll accept, simply post a “Me!” comment. If you’ve never commented before, you’ll find that your first comment must be moderated by me and won’t appear instantly; but go ahead and bid anyway. Comments set aside for moderation are put into their proper order once moderated. If you don’t wish to bid publicly, send me an email:

So, what do we have here…


dsc_7510.jpg  dsc_7511.jpg  dsc_7513.jpg

 Posted by at 9:55 pm

  8 Responses to “Auction in reverse: poster-sized B-1 photo”

  1. Opening bid: $500…

  2. $400…

  3. $300…

  4. $200…

  5. $150…

  6. $100.00…

  7. OOps. Forgot about it…

  8. $50.00…

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