Apr 082010

From a 1963 Douglas report. This chart shows how long a seated human can withstand a range of G-levels in a variety of orientations before consciousness fades and injury sets in. Note that in the standard “launch vehicle” orientation, with the human on his back (the guy on the far right in the chart), a pilot could be expected to remain conscious for five seconds at about 14 gees, and would begin to suffer injuries after 5 seconds at 48 gees.


 Posted by at 1:49 am

  4 Responses to “Acceptable Acceleration Limits”

  1. I write SF as a hobby. This sort of data is great! I’m sharing this link around. Thanks very much!

  2. How about providing the entire report? I just love to collect this sort of thing. I’ve been unable to find anything from NASA with the same information presented so well.

  3. > How about providing the entire report?

    Currently using it as background for an APR article. I release the report… people lose interest in APR.

  4. Remind me of this, when you release that APR. Thanks.

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