Jul 192008

A photograph taken in the 1960’s showing a Vought ADAM (Air Deflection and Modulation) VTOL fighter concept display model. ADAM used engines in the wings with thrust deflection to achieve VTOL performance.

Scan made from a slide. No further information on this particular design concept.


 Posted by at 11:53 am

  2 Responses to “Vought ADAM”

  1. There’s a bit more on it here: http://www.aiaa.org/tc/vstol/unbuilt/ltv/index.html
    And more stuff (in French) here: http://prototypes.free.fr/vtol/vtol-8b.htm
    It looks like the wings use a novel idea – airflow over the top of the flaps is directed downwards over the trailing edge via the Coanda Effect, while the airflow under them runs into the lowered flap and is also deflected downwards.
    Although that would give you considerable lifting force, how to keep the thing level in pitch isn’t explained. I assume there are some sort of jet bleed pipes mounted in the hose and pointy tail.
    In this view it almost looks like it has a central nose intake as well as two side intakes: http://www.aiaa.org/tc/vstol/unbuilt/ltv/images/adam2a.jpg

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