Feb 272010

Woman who found coin worth £2,000 in garden becomes first to be prosecuted for not reporting treasure

A court heard the silver piedfort marking Charles IV’s ascension to the French throne in 1322 was discovered by Miss Harding 14 years ago as she worked in the garden with her mother.

Following her mother’s death a short time later, Miss Harding kept the 1.4g item as a memento until she eventually approached museum experts with it last year who identified it as a piedfort, but she did not inform the coroner.

This is just sad.

 Posted by at 12:11 am

  5 Responses to “Find a coin on your own property as a child? That’s a jailin’.”

  1. When I went to Egypt, the guides said that if a farmer or small landowner hit a statue or something while digging, they’d usually plug the hole with concrete and not tell anyone.

    It’s more or less the same way US conservation laws work. The laws make “shoot, shovel, and shut up” a good option.

  2. More proof that in the UK you are not a citizen, you are a subject (and thus property of the government).

  3. Anyone want more dumbassrey? Ccheck out http://www.live6degrees.com.
    It’s Britian of course.

  4. I say we collect 25UKP and send it to her.

    The six degrees thing might be a good thing for the local college kids here, as a replacement for binge drinking, casual sex, and the goth or emo approach to life.

  5. The other day, my coworker, who is an archaeologist, was telling me about how she and some coworkers had to survey some land for artifacts before the government could purchase it under eminent domain. They needed to drain some wetlands for I-don’t-remember what reason, and under IL law any wetland that is drained had to be replaced with a new wetland elsewhere, and this poor farmer got chosen as “it”. He really didn’t want to let my coworker and her team onto the land to survey it, but my coworker’s boss told the farmer, “Sir, I guarantee you, if you let us onto the land to survey it, then it won’t be taken from you,” because the place was so chock-full of artifacts that they could tell it’d cost more money to dig them all up than the field was worth just by looking at it. That farmer still sends my coworker and her team Christmas cards every year 🙂

    Not directly related I know, but still a fun story.

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