Aug 312021

This is hidden camera footage of this very fine gentleman, Gabriel Gipe, admitting to his intellectually corrupt and ethically bankrupt philosophies and goals for twisting childrens minds in his role as a teacher in the Inderkum High School in California. But the thing is… he advertises his communist ideology *openly,* with not only Antifa and Maoist propaganda on the walls of his classroom, they are tattooed all over him (not to mention the Hammer & Sickle shirt). He’s even got the INGSOC logo prominently displayed on his arm. “1984” was supposed to be a warning, not a users manual… but here we are, using taxpayer dollars to fund direct indoctrination and intimidation of our school children into the worst ideology to come around in the last thousand years.

Doubtless there’ll be a minor kerfuffle in the Natomas Unifed School District over this, and he might even be invited to explore new career options. but the thing is… he should have not been in that position in the first place. Other heads should roll for putting someone like that in a position like that. Imagine some other teacher hanging up a Confederate flag or a portrait of Hitler, and you get a fraction of the way towards the level of scumbag this guy represents.



But wait! There’s more!!!

There is at least a glimmer of hope, though:

Teacher who says she told kids to pledge to Pride flag removed from California class

“Removed during an investigation” is not quite as good as “fired, and we’ve contacted every other school in the country to warn them that this person has been abusing an untold number of impressionable children, and we’ve instructed all our other teachers and staff that this sort of insane and abusive behavior will not be tolerated.” But it’s at least a start.

 Posted by at 11:32 am