Aug 192021

So a nutjob parked in front of the Library of Congress, claiming to have a truck bomb, posting live on Facebook. What does he want? He is an outright caricature of the “South will rise again” yee-haw Super Patriot complete with over-the-top accent, claiming to be the vanguard of a revolution, wanting to speak with Biden, demanding air strikes in Afghanistan. Also something something pain pills, so… opioids?


Here’s a link to some of his yammerings.

And this was apparently earlier, when he was throwing money out of his truck.


Man, the timing on this is *spectacular.* Just when the criminal incompetency of the Biden administration becomes blisteringly obvious even to the mainstream media, here comes This Guy to distract the media and the public.

Fortunately he’s in custody:

Trump supporter with a ‘tannerite bomb’ surrenders to police after five hour stand-off where he demanded airstrikes in Afghanistan and to speak to Joe Biden on the phone

I’m not so sure that a “tannerite” bomb is the way to go. Tannerite is fine for making exploding targets, but a truck bomb? Seems weak.

Also: truck bombing the Library of Congress??? FU, dude. That’s like the National Air and Space Museum: off limits to political violence and vandalism. Sacred ground. Also… stupid. You won’t find Joe Biden at the library.

 Posted by at 1:47 pm