Aug 292020

A video worth watching:

The narrative that he’s a murderer sure seems ill-supported by the facts.

Bonus round:

Nick Sandmann’s Attorney Lin Wood Takes 17-Year-Old Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse’s Defense Pro Bono

This is the lawyer who sued (so far, successfully) the bejeebers out of a number of media outlets for libel and slander for claiming that Nick Sandmann was a smug racist when he was in fact the victim. And on *that* note…

As Kenosha rifleman gets legal aid, online vigilantes ARCHIVE tweets for defamation suits likely to come

For example:

Assuming that the video evidence and testimonies so far given continue to be unrefuted *and* Rittenhouse doesn’t get railroaded… Representative Pressley could wind up paying for Rittenhouse’s *everything* from here on out.

 Posted by at 2:01 am