Aug 082020

Ye gods…

Portland Mayor Candidate Sarah Iannarone is a Democratic Socialist, like AOC. And like AOC, she’s off her friggen’ nut. She either thinks arson is awesome or is pandering to the arsonist constituency.

I have little sympathy for Portland at this point. I checked out the Wikipedia page on the 2020 Portland mayoral election coming in November. There has already been a first round; Democrat ted Wheeler, who has steered his city into this trainwreck, got 49% of the vote, and Iannarone came in second with 23.8%. The lone Republican came in *fifth* with 5%. So the runoff election will be between the existing failure Wheeler and the forthcoming uber-failure Iannarone.

People of Portland: this is the doom you chose.


 Posted by at 12:08 am