Jun 092020

So, this leftist/socialist/Antifa take on the Gadsden flag has suddenly become popular:

We Will Tread

Now, there are two major facts to understand from this:

1: The Gadsden flag, and the snake in it, is defiance against authoritarianism and a statement of support of the rights of Man. To say that you will oppose that means that you support authoritarianism… and more specifically, the use of force against free people. To call the people who fly the “we will tread” flag fascists seems perfectly proper.

2: The person who designed this, and those who fly or wear it unironically, are clearly idiots. You don’t tread on a snake by grabbing it but by, you know, TREADING ON IT.

I fully support the flying of this flag. It’s good for the villains and morons to let the rest of society know who they are.

 Posted by at 6:58 pm