Jun 082020

From PJ Media, a piece from one Stephen Kruiser:

The Morning Briefing: We’ve Reached the Book Burning Phase of 2020 Riot Wokeness

The argument in the piece is that the woke fascists are *approaching* the stage of book burning, due in part to pieces like this blog post on taxpayer-funded NPR:

Your Bookshelf May Be Part Of The Problem

Where white people are castigated for having book shelves filled with authors who wrote, you know, actually *good* books. Why have Shakespeare, when you could have Maya Angelou? Why have books you like when you could instead have books that tell you how evil you and your family members are for being the race you are?

While mr. Kruiser has a point that those who hector others over not having a sufficiently woke reading list are on the road to being book burners, he makes a fundamental factual error at the end:

Obviously, people aren’t literally burning books just yet. The spirit of book burning is upon us, though. With what we have seen in the past ten days from the rage mob, expecting the leftist worst from them really isn’t a stretch.

Ummm… “people aren’t literally burning books just yet?” Allow me to introduce you to the pile of ashes that is Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore. Or DreamHaven Books & Comics, which was ransacked and saved from being burned down solely due to the incompetence of the arsonists. Seven other comic book shops across the country (Illinois and California) ransacked. Hell, even “progressive” newspapers get an entrashening. And of course there’s the winnowing of western literature from universities, social media censoring wrongthink and Amazon withdrawing books for political reasons.

Mobs are generally indiscriminate in their reckless hate, only avoiding those businesses that have Roof Koreans or which display, with adequate clarity, symbols of supplication. But those pushing the chaos often have goals… and wiping out wrongthink and the paper its printed on certainly seems to be at the top of their wishlist.


 Posted by at 12:32 pm