Sep 062019

The Indian moon lander seems to have crashed. It started to go off course about 2 miles above the surface and communications shut off about 1.3 miles up.

In April the Israeli Beresheet lander also failed during the landing attempt.

This sort of thing says nothing about the organizations behind the landers other than “landing robots on distant worlds is hard.” There ain’t no shame in getting *that* close. The only shame is in either giving up… or in not trying in the first place. More than fifty years after Surveyor, the moon *should* be littered with the corpses of hundreds of first landers launched by countries large and small, corporations, organizations, private individuals. And next to those dead bits of wreckage should be the followup landers that learned from the failures and finally succeeded. And yet… when you ask here the Canadian, Australian, German, Korean, Irish, Swedish, Brazilian, KFC, USAF, USN, MIT landers are, where the *hundreds* of American and Russian landers are, you get blank stares.

India Loses Contact With Chandrayaan-2 Mission During Moon Landing Attempt


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