Jul 172019

Fifty years ago, Apollo 11 was on the way to the moon. This was undoubtedly the greatest achevment in all human history. You would expect that it would be universally celebrated as such, especially in the country that made it happen. Prepare to be surprised.


Now, the newspapers are not incorrect when they point out that Apollo was largely the result of a “white and male” culture. That is, after all, an incontrovertible fact, just as the defeat of Nazism and Imperial Japan and Communism and slavery were the result of “white and male” cultures, as was the development of modern agricultural methods that have permitted humanity to go from a few hundred million on the edge of starvation to many billions of well-fed people, to the extermination of smallpox and the defeat of diseases like plague and cholera and typhus, to the creation of nuclear power and global positioning systems to the spread of democratic ideals and the whole concept of universal human rights. Where they fall down is in deciding that “white and male” is a bad thing that needs to be replaced.

On the one hand… keep it up. The more the whackadoodles in the media spout patently ridiculous nonsense, the more they turn off voters who would otherwise be apathetic, thus *perhaps* ensuring success for the other side. But on the other hand, the more this dribble is repeated, the more it sinks in and helps rot the culture. It would of course be nice if Bubbles Cortez and her gaggle of racist scumbag compatriots gets themselves voted out of office due to backlash against this sort of thing… but she and her intellectually vacant ilk never should have gotten voted in in the first place.


 Posted by at 1:12 pm