Jul 032019

Disney, in their eternal struggle to produce new, fresh content, is remaking “The Little Mermaid,” a tale from Hans Christian Anderson about a mermaid who lives near Denmark and falls in love with a prince. Not having actually seen the Disney animated movie, I can only assume that it closely adheres to the original tale… the Little Mermaid suffers horrifying pain in order to acquire humans legs and feet in order to win the princes love, but in the end fails to do so, watches as he marries some other woman, then dies and dissolves into sea foam because she made a ridiculously bad deal. Lesson: listen up, kids… life is pain and in the end you will die in failure.

Anyway, Disney is remaking the story with a live action cast, presumably a bucket of CGI as well. They’ve just announced the starring role. See if you can make any assumptions about that based on this headline:

Celebs Applaud Halle Bailey’s Casting as Ariel in ‘The Little Mermaid’

Never mind who “Halle Baily” (*not* Halley Berry) is. Pay attention to the “celebs applaud.” Do they applaud over things like “the most skilled acting unit,” or “looks most like the character?” Or do they applaud over “most PC selection” or “most likely to annoy regular folks and provide an opportunity for their woke betters to mock them?”

You be the judge.

 Posted by at 7:50 pm