Oct 102018

Well, here’s an odd one…

NY man charged with building 200-lb bomb to allegedly detonate on Election Day

The plan was to set the bomb off on the National Mall in D.C. on election day. Hard to see how the plan wasn’t to kill a whole bunch of people. A 200 pound bomb made from black powder. So… a giant pipe bomb? Pressure cooker bomb? Details are lacking.

Next up: *why?* Typically, it’s either religion or politics. This time, it’s politics. here’s where it gets goofy:

A series of letters and text messages sent during August and September also show Rosenfeld intended to detonate the device as a way to bring attention to a political ideology called “sortition,” according to the news release, which it describes as a “theory that advocates the random selection of government officials.”

The frak? Randomly selecting Senators and Representatives and Presidents… you know, I can see an interesting case to be made for that sort of thing. I’ve no doubt mentioned the basic idea on this blog before (hell, it’s been around more than a decade); government via an expanded jury selection process might not be a bad idea, so long as some basic limits are put in place. But setting off a bomb? How does that possibly make people want to take your political notions seriously?



 Posted by at 7:43 pm