Sep 252018

FBI data on clearance rates for crimes (i.e. crimes that are officially solved):

Basically, if you murder someone you have a better than one in three shot of getting away with it. If you rape someone, two times out of three you’ll get away with it. And property crimes? Your chances are really quite good.

Sure, things might not be quite so bad because undoubtedly a lot of these crimes are committed by the same criminals, so if they get arrested for one thing, you’re getting the criminal responsible for several crimes off the street, at least for a little while. Still, imagine if all crimes were (somehow) solved… the prisons would be packed to overflowing. Of course, that “somehow”hypothetical would involve a whole lot of changes to the nature of reality, so perhaps there’d be less of “imprisonment” and more of “flinging them into the ocean with a big-ass trebuchet.”

 Posted by at 12:58 am