Sep 172018

… will be livestreamed at 9PM eastern time. Billionaire, certainly. Japanese, possibly. Anybody want to make guesses?

UPDATE: yup, the paying passenger is Japanese online entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa, who is paying an unstated but clearly substantial sum. The plan is that in 2023 a BFR/BFS will launch around the moon carrying Maezawa and six to eight artists of his choosing in the hopes that they’ll come home and make an art.

If they said what the *total* crew and passenger complement will be, I didn’t catch it. But it should be substantially more than one billionaire and eight artists.

Musk estimates that the development cost of BFR will be no less than $2 billion, probably around $5 billion, no more than $10 billion.  Compare to SLS/Orion, which has so far spent in excess of $11 billion on the SLS and will spend something like $6 billion for the Orion capsule.



 Posted by at 3:35 pm