Jul 042018

Usually I’m left sitting here thinking, “now, why didn’t *I* think of that?” after reading about some in retrospect-obvious idea that makes a bagrillion dollars. Now, at last, I think I’ve got a new one: MAGA hat-hunter-hunting. Consider:

Hmmm. First copy of the video has been yoinked for some reason. Trying again:

And another copy:

And just in case:


Short form: some kids sitting in  restaurant, one wearing a MAGA hat. A Brave Leftist comes up to them, steals the hat, throws his drink on the hat-wearer (this would be assault, I’m pretty sure), walks out the door with the hat.

Here’s my business plan:

  1. Get a MAGA hat.
  2. Get some co-workers.
  3. Get some hidden GoPros.
  4. Go to restaurants.
  5. Wait for a Brave Leftist to commit a crime.
  6. Record Brave Leftist.
  7. Use facial recognition systems to ID Brave Leftist.

If Brave Leftist has some sort of meaningful job, the kind that doesn’t take too kindly to employees making a PR nightmare… well, you can see the profit potential. Otherwise… arrest and lawsuit.


The franchise potential is unlimited.

Note: the guy in the video was apparently ID’ed pretty quickly, and THIS HAPPENED:

It came to our attention earlier this evening that a part-time employee was captured on cell phone video assaulting another person at a local eatery. The assault took place, presumably, because this employee did not agree with the other individuals political stance.

We have since terminated this employee, as his actions go against everything that this establishment stands for.

I imagine the guy might have been amenable to negotiating to make sure his employer – and all potential future employers – never saw the video.


One other thing this video provides is a much better explanation of how Ben Solo turned to the Dark Side and became Kylo Ren… he came too close to the true face of the modern Left, and it damaged him. You can see the exact moment Kylo was born…

 Posted by at 10:03 pm