Feb 232018

Two stories from worlds apart that illustrate the same basic flaws in the human operating system:

Muslims burn piles of Pampers nappies and call for a ban because cartoon cat’s whiskers printed on them ‘look like the Arabic spelling of Mohammed’

Apparently this:

Looks like this:

And thus idiots in India are protesting, burning stuff in the streets, demanding not only boycotts but also arrests.

Stupid, you say? Too dumb to happen here? But wait! There’s more!

Student Faces Expulsion for Joking that Square Root Symbol Looks Like Gun

Apparently people thought this:

Looked like this:

Because, well, sure. And of course, the cops were called and searched a students home. And it gets better:

KATC reported, “Any student accused of talking about guns or school shootings will be investigated by three entities: the school board, the sheriff’s department, and the district attorney’s office.”

The student who made the joke is banned from campus and will enter a hearing to determine if he will be expelled from the entire school system.


And yet somehow, the Left’s army of child soldiers can protest and howl and disrupt school all they like and not face expulsion… even though their whole schtick is based on the fear of guns being hammered into them by the media and peer pressure.


 Posted by at 1:11 pm