Dec 032017

This one is rough. It features animal cruelty *and* profound human stupidity: the prime features of downright evil. It’s one of those vids that produced an *instant* negative emotional response in me, as it may others, so I’m putting it after the break. Don’t click “Continue reading” if you don’t want your day freakin’ ruined, you heart broken, your gut wrenched, your remaining shreds of your former faith in humanity stripped away by the sounds in the last second of the video.

The video is here:

It’s common enough for people to go all Internet Tough Guy and say what they’d do in some hypothetical if they met the bad guy. But you know what? I will shed not one single goddam tear when this piece of garbage gets shanked in the prison yard. It cannot happen soon enough. Not only as justice for the cat, but as a preventative… no way in hell this monster becomes anything but a burden to society at best, a serial killer at worst.

Updates with some quite possibly unreliable identifying going on being posted HERE.

There seems to be a post-incident snippet of video with the perp in question. He speaks like a freakin’ mental midget pretending to be a hard gangbanger. Seems like this is some sort of gang initiation thing.




A good question: why would I post this sort of thing. A lameass answer: sometimes things just piss me the hell off enough that I feel the need to share the rage. If he ends up like Theon Greyjoy, that would not be unjust.



 Posted by at 11:32 pm