Jul 112017

Your Biggest Risk of Measles May Be a Trip to Europe

Seems measles is going gangbusters over in Europe… due  to a decrease in vaccination rates. There are two causes of *that,* both stupid:

  1. People buying into “vaccinations cause autism” and other lies
  2. Mass importation of non-vaccinated people from the Dirt World

So, consider this. At the same time violent crime rates in the US is still at a decades-long low, when “poverty” means living really well for a long time, when the threat of a major world war – despite some concerns in the last couple of years – remains a ghost from more than a generation ago, when information is freely and instantly available… people who should really know better are glomming onto utter rubbish such as vaccine hysterics and flat-Eartherism. It seems there’s a pretty substantial bug in human programming.

 Posted by at 8:18 pm