Apr 072017

CNN keeps yapping some non-story about “blah blah blah cruise missiles blah blah blah…”

I’m sure it’s fine. Everything is fine.



Discovery! Atmosphere Spotted on Nearly Earth-Size Exoplanet in First

The planet Gliese 1132 b is “only” 39 light years away, has a radius of 1.4 Earth and a mass of 1.6 Earths (surface gravity should be about  82% of Earths). Sounds great, right? Small problem: it’s real close to its red dwarf star. Orbits once every 1.6 days and gets 19 times the solar radiation as Earth, so it’s less a clone of Earth than a clone of Venus. But it seems to actually be a steamy Venus as astronomers detected water vapor and methane in the atmosphere. So… maybe the old ideas about Venus being a swamp planet loaded with dinosaurs and such might be kinda right… just off by 39 lightyears.

 Posted by at 4:13 am