Feb 172017

As previously hinted at, some time down the line I have a project going that required the acquisition of a new camera. It has proven good at taking photos of the night sky, but that’s incidental to the project at hand. Relevant to the task was a short trip a week ago down to the Hill Aerospace Museum, where I took a bunch of photos. By “a bunch,” it’s somewhere in the area of just short of 400 photos of Hill’s AD-1 Skyraider, and around 140 photos of other aircraft. These are all 24 megapixel (6000X4000) shots, about 11 megabytes each (yes, I’m lame enough to point out that the first digital camera I ever worked with could squeeze half a dozen shots onto a single 1.4 megabyte floppy disk). The photos were uploaded to Dropbox, a process that took a day and a half (yay, old-ass netbook).

The photography and the uploading was all part of a test. The photos are going to someone who can hopefully do something pretty interesting with them… assuming the photography is up to snuff. If this all works, the project to come later should prove to be pretty interesting.

So, to the point: the camera cost money. There are a few more lenses and hardware I’d like to procure, which costs more money – a couple grand. The Big Contract Job that came along last summer finished a month ago (as in the contract was complete to everyones satisfaction), so spending like a Trump on equipment is out. So… capitalism! Who wants about six gigabytes of airplane photos? How’s five bucks sound? Use the “Tip Jar” PayPal link below, select at least $5 (what the heck, select $100 just to show up your buddies). There *should* be an opportunity to leave a note; if so, make sure to mention “Spad Photos” or something like that. I’ll then share the Dropbox folder with the email address associated with the PayPal payment.


Photo Tips


 Posted by at 7:35 pm