Jan 302017

This one sounds good:

Trump Signs Executive Order to Curtail Regulations

In short, it says that if a Federal agency wants one new regulation, they need to ditch two old ones. This is an inarguably good idea, but I suspect that it may turn out to be a logistical nightmare. And it’ll certainly run into a whole lot of opposition from the bureaucrats.

This executive order is more important on every objective level than the one restricting refugees and immigration from a few specific countries. That one was never going to amount to much, but slashing regulations could have *massive* long-term economic benefits. But here’s the thing that makes me think that maybe, just maybe, Trump might be smarter than he looks. Under normal conditions, the big-government types would be falling all over themselves to stymie this new executive order. They’d be screaming about how it’ll ruin the environment, and/or install racism  and sexism in hiring, and/or harm women, children and the poor. But right now they are far too focused on screaming about an executive order that has caused a few dozen foreigners to be delayed at airports or sent back to their homelands. Perhaps this was the intent… throw out a firebomb of an executive order, something that’s not very important but will set the Left’s hair on fire, and then follow it up with actually *important* changes. Heck, even the pipeline order seems to have been completely forgotten.

 Posted by at 10:35 am