Dec 052016

In Britain, trespassing doesn’t seem to be a crime. Heck, it seems that trespassing is specifically *legal,* with “roamers” being given extraordinary protections under the law while they are clambering around on property that is not their own.  Witness:

Cow attack farmer given suspended sentence over walker death

In short: someone decided to go wandering around on a farmers property, property that had cows on it. You know, those big-ass thousand-pound bundles of muscles, anger and dumb. This someone took his dog with him… you know, those yappy little bundles of energy that cows Just Don’t Like. In the end, the cows stomp the dude to death.

So how does the British legal system respond? Not by admonishing the walkers family for having raised a dumbass, too stupid to recognize that other people property is, you know, not his, and too stupid to avoid animals that *individually* could easily kill him – and which come in herds. Instead they punish the farmer for not having somehow made his farm idjitproof.

 Posted by at 11:55 pm