Sep 262016

For those interested: still fighting the effects of whatever it was that hit me a week ago. Allergies transitioning into a cold or flu, it seems. So far no bronchitis, though it’s been not too far from that at times. Sunday I slept for about 18 hours… though not all at once but in five or six chunks. The time not spent asleep is spent working, either on the Paying Project, or on getting the next APR Patreon reward set ready or scanning the NAA Archive. Not a whole lot of time for bitchin’ and bloggin’. I’ve got Ye Olde DVR set up to record the Douche/Turd Sandwich Debate tonight, though I’m not sure I’ll be able to get through the whole thing. I can imagine it in my head, and I shut that show off after about 15 seconds.

 Posted by at 5:42 pm