May 192016

So, if you read a news report saying that a recently-deceased 16-year-old girl in Britain  had suffered from racism, what image pops into your head? Was she an immigrant from Syria? Nigeria? Nicaragua? India? Pakistan? China? You know, someone you could look at and say “that person is clearly not ethnically British?”



Polish girl, 16, found dead at school ‘had suffered racism’

Sure, her name might have been an unpronounceable consonant-salad (“Przybysz?”), but to my eye she doesn’t look like a different race than some form of Brit. Perhaps as an American of Euro-mutt ancestry I’m not as keenly aware of the fine gradations of ethnicity that people can kill each other over (remember Serbs and Croats whacking each other? Put ’em in the same outfits and I sure couldn’t tell them apart.

 Posted by at 7:54 am