Apr 252016

China plans fleet of floating nuclear power plants to provide energy to South China Sea islands

On the face of it, this is an idea I approve of: not only more nuclear reactors, but mobile, floating nuclear reactors. Something I would love to see the US do, and something at on a certain level I approve of China or virtually anybody else doing.

The problem I foresee is that I expect that the Chinese  contractors will half-ass this like they seem to do everything. Components that are supposed to be made of cadmium will instead be made out of cat food. Emergency coolant systems fabricated from papier mache. Nuclear engineers replaced with slave laborers.

The end result I’m afraid of is one or more of these floating reactors blowing its top, melting down, or getting zapped by an Exocet, trashing a substantial region. The usal pack of baying anti-nuclear zealots will then dutifully take this as an example of why nukes are Teh Ebil, and the American/Western nuclear programs will take another hit. While at the same time the Chinese will probably just shrug, write off the lost reactor, nonchalantly shoot a couple dozen stooges, and crank out a bagrillion more reactors and coal burning powerplants.


I have a potential solution. So long as we allow political correctness on federally funded universities, including  blocking certain otherwise protected political speech, then I propose that if the Chinese manage to make themselves a crappy reactor and cause trouble, anyone who proposes to use that incident to tar the *American* nuclear program will be deported to China. America is thus a “safe space” for honest discussion of nuclear power, and blaming American nukes for the dumbass decisions of Russian or Chinese collectivist stooges, or Japanese dumbasses who thought it would be a neato-keen idea to locate a reactor in a tsunami zone is hereby banned.

 Posted by at 2:30 pm